Everything With You, by The Pains of Being Pure at Heart. Super shot amazing video 8 film, music, as always at L'Atelier, unbeatable.
long time ago I said that with women you have to behave as if the deal was closed when it is not, and as if I were not when it is. Since then I have spoken many times of the former, indifference to the outcome, but not the second. Today I will focus on the latter but if someone just discovered this blog will make a brief summary of the first.
As if the deal was done.
means that when the deal is done you treat women as if you had very confident with them, making jokes that only you with your closest friends and throwing compliments as if you were dating. Acting without fear of rejection means acting as though there was no possibility of rejection. Can you imagine that one ceases to be your friend because you do tease? Can you imagine your girlfriend leaving you because you have said it is looking at his lips and could not help but want to kiss?
As if the deal was done.
The problem for many men when it comes to lying to women is that they lie about themselves, about their work, property or hobbies. The effectiveness of these lies is void if you do so is an excellent time to lose the habit. By contrast there are other lies that are extremely effective, dealing with it: you're beautiful tonight, you are fabulous, incredibly sexy, etc. Thus ... "I'm asking you to lie? No, if you follow my advice it will not need it, what I want is to reflect on why these lies work.
work because they have a powerful emotional charge. I'll explain with an example to convince you that France is in Europe will not take any effort so I will just say that France is Europe. But if I convince you that Tanzania is not enough to say so Europe but would have to put the best of my dialectic to achieve.
The same applies to when complimenting a woman, when you really feel a deep attraction we just make that clear. But if you do not feel a special attraction advances accompany our fine words to hide the truth, lest we see the feather duster. Paradoxically, the first form, the failures are much more frequent than the latter. Why? Because we have not accompany the expression of interest with emotions. We limited ourselves to a bland compliment, sometimes even not even say anything and we just try to kiss her. That is very little, if you want to move creates a climate conducive to progress, she whispers sweet words in the ears of women creating a time when the peak is reach a sexual level.
The conclusion you draw is that progress must be accompanied by emotions, not limit you to externalize your interest but do it so that she feels pretty, sexy, magnetic ... in short, make it feel special. Seducing a woman is not to convince her to make her feel special but you are special, unique and deeply beautiful, the prettiest woman in the world
behave with a woman as if the deal was not done when it is meant that when a woman appeals to you put the same intensity in your words like you do not attract, like you have to cheat. Women must be told the truth so that only then will achieve Amazingly you create.
Red Light Company Scheme Eugene. Had long been wanting to put them. Now they have just released their debut album is the time.
I put a picture of the surfer Elise Garrigue model for two reasons: first because it is a fascinating woman and second because I wanted to start talking about game day compared to the surf. The surf is essential to learn to balance on the board, and that is not learned with long explanations, but short five-minute chat in the sand and many hours in the water, trying, failing and trying again.
I make this comment because a few weeks ago I was asked to talk about Day game, I asked them to realize their problems and I am still awaiting a reply. This means that in your life have tried to seduce a woman the day. Pretty sad that they did not dare to admit it, so how do you want progress? I will so serious that last time the game Day is like surfing, you do not learn to read but swallowing water, lots of water.
Comparison with me surfing also serves as a preamble to one of the great challenges of the Day game: how to start a fruitful conversation in such an unlikely to socialization as a shop, a cafeteria or a traffic light? The answer is, as in the surf, a question of balance. The Day game is essential to maintain the balance between being seen to want to link and you will not notice that you want to score. No, you heard wrong.
Why do not you notice that you're linking I mean you do not use any excuses. Many people, when opening day, is afraid of being seen to want to link because they think that this will be viewed as a degenerate leading them to look very complicated strategies. Forget about these concepts, deal only to be sincere. It is a matter of direct or indirect, is a question of sincerity. The important thing is your opening to be honest, on this basis that directly or indirectly is entirely circumstantial.
When opening words are the same, the important thing is the energy you transmit. This rule is very important at night but day by day is essential because it is much easier than your mere presence intimidates a woman. If you want to start a conversation with a woman will have to convey the reason I want to talk to her, just get so uncomfortable that you by his side. And the best way to do this, perhaps the only, is genuinely acting.
When you see a woman and want to talk to her do not torture yourself looking for a "super opener infallible "but look for reasons why they want to talk to her and explicítalos. You're more likely with a" fascinating look like me "that a sincere" I love your pants "false.
regard to note that you are NOT ligand is Day game really complicated. To understand this idea I propose this exercise. Try to remember how this woman was dressed so attractive that you saw last night at the club. Now remember how women dress so beautiful that you saw in a store a couple of days. "wore the same? Of course not." you explain the difference?
The difference is in the form of stimulating. the same day so that we stimulate a type clothing and another night, day women are attracted by an attitude and the other night. This is not to say that according to the time change alpha male traits but rather the form of submission. (Although it is undeniable that men are more successful at night than during the day and vice versa, as happens with women as you could see).
day in particular when it comes to stimulating a woman forget of course to seek to impress but also to show a magnetic personality, demonstration of value, etc.. Day and really going to stimulate a woman is showing an outgoing personality, revelándote as a man who enjoys knowing new people, hearing their stories and learning from their experiences.
therefore dispenses based tactics to generate attraction in women and then show interest. By day, the seduction is based on personalized interaction to show our personality and she shows her own so that you can be a connection between the two. It is essential that scales not only to the extent that it reflects your personality, the scheme is not gender attraction and show interest but to make connections and show interest.
Day's attitude during the game is closer to be able to take an appointment during the night game. Is this what I mean by that is not you notice you ligand, to worry more ligártela know that. Not ligand, you know.
An example
To realize these ideas and some other key game Day I decided to include an example. This example is actually a conversation is created by bringing me scraps of talks to increase the educational burden, in practice it is all natural. Besides it would be unable to transcribe an entire conversation at the time you're on the conversation and then remember only isolated fragments.
You: Sorry I could not help noticing your shoes, I look very cool.
She: Thanks.
You: Wow, they're great. This model is very fashionable but never seen one like that.
A funny thing's Day game is that sometimes you have to repeat the opener for a conversation that is not limited to monosyllables.
She: It is true, Madrid style are many, but how are you any.
You: Mmm, your accent ... Are you in Seville?
She: I'm from Ciudad Real
You: HU, I would not have considered.
If you ever screw up on something it is best known to laugh at yourself.
She: Ha ha, do not worry. Many people tell me so said recently that Madrid is you have a problem to differentiate the accents.
You: Yes, a bit navel-gazing if we are. But when we know we take care. Although good, I've been here all my life but I am not strictly speaking in Madrid.
She: Where are you?
fell. It was a test to see how far he felt comfortable in conversation, asking questions shows that you are not looking fly off.
You: I was born in Salamanca, a city that I thought you'd like ...
be back to force the machine made her wonder why you'd like. She
: Salamanca I do not know me do you really recommend?
You: Yeah, well do not recommend it as I would recommend going to the Amazon but it's pretty good. Hey, but if you want your tourist advisor before I have to say your name.
As it has already been sufficiently involved in the conversation by asking the name is not misplaced. She
: Carla.
You: And I Keith Richards, but you can call me toxic twin. True to
Juggler school I get strange names in the reports, so if I do in reality is that I can call a pet name if type Nacho Ignacio. This creates more confidence.
You: Well Carla, Salamanca as you like because the contrast of being a city with an old but architecturally very young population and modern. A I like to say that is vintage.
She: ha ha sounds good. I write it down for an upcoming trip.
You: You should Carla. I came over here before while he was turning to go next summer. Why do not you give me some advice. But if you do not mind and if you have nothing better to do join me at the Starbucks next door I need a coffee.
is a routine that took Juggler: ask him to recommend a trip, is a subject for a long game. At the same time so I'm moving to create greater trust with the change of scenery. We are also going to a cafe in principle for a coffee to take off but ... if things go well we'll sit there. The fact that there are queues helps you get to know better than to get coffee, it is good that what they serve at Starbucks can call it that. One last thing, I have spent many times you move from site to break the dynamics of the conversation and I'm speechless, so I take a topic of conversation and caused the closing movement before and avoid breaking the moment. If you see that relays the conversation I did the same when I asked him the name, is one of the worst things that can happen during the Day game is to climb and get stuck for breaking the rhythm of conversation.