Tomorrow in the Battle Think on me is the title of a novel by Javier Marias, taken in turn from Shakespeare's Richard III. In it, the spectrum appears to Clarence Richard III on the eve of a battle to remonstrate betrayals and tells "Tomorrow in the Battle Think on me, And fall thy edgeless sword: despair and die!" .
I am using this quote to summarize the essence of this article because when you lose the battle of seduction, back home to you the specter of the woman who defeated torture telling you, because you thought the battle in me you had edged sword, because you thought of me because they were desperate and think of me died. Invest
terms tomorrow in the Battle Think on you.
I've been watching the groups that I have and I've noticed that John Lennon had been made but never to the four lads from Liverpool. Hey Jude, The Beatles. A song that Paul McCartney tells a boy who dares to go for the girl he likes. A very appropriate song for today's topic.
need a drink to get that woman.
Have you ever said that phrase? How many times have you heard from other people? Really why hide that phrase?
When you say that phrase is not asking for alcohol to be more successful with the girl but to better digest a possible rejection. Alcohol is not Asterix's magic potion that makes you invincible, but a numbing it does not hurt that the failure, at least for the duration of intoxication. But make no mistake, though the wound does not hurt the fact it exists, that the refusal of the woman has been hurt. So the solution is not to find an anesthetic but strengthen you for that rejection will not harm you. It is not that the wound does not hurt, it is that no wound.
When a person says she feels like the criticism can be sure that he is lying. We are social animals, it is in our nature to seek recognition of the group. Everyone prefers to be applauded for being whistled. The question is not whether the criticism hurts or not but if you're going to let you influence by rejection.
As Steve Jobs "Your time is limited, so do not waste it living the lives of others. Do not be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of what other people think. Do not let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. " .
That's the idea of \u200b\u200bthinking of you in battle. not about being yourself, not to be your best version, it's about being the person you've chosen to be. takes vital decisions under life you want to live not by what you other suggestions. It's hard for a woman rejects you, it's hard to make fun of you for failing, but believe me it is harder to wake up one day and see that you've wasted your life living the life that you have other tax. Citing Jobs back to "Remember that someday we will all die is the best way to avoid believing you have something to lose, there is no reason to follow your instincts." Remember when you before a woman and you from the fear that rejects you, remember that rejection hurts but not a sufficient reason to stop being the person who chose to be.
The real failure is not to approach a woman and ignore you, try a kiss and you remove the head, making phone calls and not get called back, the real failure is not trying what you really want to do just because others can reject you. Do not ever let fear of rejection you away from your dreams, do not think what she might think it is only what you choose to be.
In seduction you have to act positively rather than negative, do not try to avoid failure, but focus on getting what you want. What ever fail? Well then try again. As the blind Eric Villalon "I'm very much mistaken. Well, well, if I have calculated that the chair was not there and yes it is and I stumble, then I apologize and go. I feel like a juggler trying a number and falls: "leaves the track for that? No! It jumps up, shakes off the dust and try again. "And there is a statement that you should take lightly because as you read this Eric Villalon is crossing Antarctica with two other disabled.
can not choose your strategy , neither in life nor in seduction, thinking of how to avoid rejection. There will always be someone who rejects you, it assumes that you have flaws and that there are people who do not will ignore so take decisions based on what you want to be not in what others will think. If you know that whatever you do will always be stupid who rejects you live influenced by the opinions of others. always find someone think ill of you so at least that is because you have done what you wanted. Posts do die for your ideals.
Tomorrow in the Battle Think on you, all you can scare the defeat is not going down your ideals everything else is a victory.