sang Robbie Williams She's the one, translated literally as it is unique and less literal but more faithful to its spirit as it is her. Beside Gisele Bundchen, who has a twin sister to remind you that even women like her are unique.
The other day I said never put English music. Not because I just listen to music in English. What can I do? But today I'll make the effort to bring English music but sung in English because I am.
What is one-itis?
One-itis is a feeling that only a woman can make us happy that we are not affordable.
This is the most basic definition. On this basis we can distinguish infinite variations of one-itis, but that simplification can be reduced to two groups that I call the one-itis of the virgin and the widow of one-itis. The first occurs when you obsessed by a woman or not interested in you or which reduces the interest to be friends, the second when a woman leaves you after the two have been something that could be anything from a kiss to a long relationship. Interestingly only seem to get the first until the point that the "gurus" limit the significance of one-itis the first course keeping a stony silence over the latter, perhaps because no one would pay for some classes of seduction at a rate incapable to keep your hand to the woman of his life.
The virgin one-itis.
Stop by the forums on seduction and see that almost every day there are a couple of new questions about how to make love to an exceptional woman who goes by but that is different from all others, full version includes a lecture on why what the author feels is not one-itis. By the way, it's usually people who do not know about it stop.
The standard solution is "to seduce other women as you are well again by the first." As a workaround is pretty bad because that is based on your one-itis cure seducing other women when your problem is that as you go one-on one-itis itis not successful with women. We're going to have one-itis because you miss anything, and you miss nothing because you have one-itis.
We will go right to the essence of the one-itis and seek healing. And that essence is simply to idealize women. Something as simple as that, you meet a woman and not knowing anything about it just raises it to the category of woman-of-your-life because you think you've seen it with everything you dream since childhood.
To cure one-itis virgin do not have to seduce a thousand women, but learning not to idealize women. Usually more successful with women have less idealized but not an absolute rule. I know men who bind a lot, but only when moving between women who are not interested in sex but beyond that in front of them a woman who are really interested in poop and idealize uploading it to the altar. For
aware of what it is to stop idealizing women. That is the real output of the virgin one-itis.
The best remedy to avoid idealizing the women I took from the movie Alfie (modern version), in which Jude Law's character says that what little use that his father told him was that when he saw a woman is attractive agreed that somewhere in the world is a man who is tired of tirĂ¡rsela. On this statement I have developed the habit of looking at every woman that I know the reason why this man ended up sick of it. It is an excellent trick that allows you to always keep our feet on the ground and not let yourself be seduced by the siren songs that surround all women, especially pretty. In a way if your game is held outside of the qualities you find in women, your inner game is based on their flaws. It is not entirely true but you get what I mean right?
widower One-itis.
Being rejected by a stranger is hard, but it is even more being rejected by someone you know. In the first case you can console yourself thinking that if she had known I would have been in love, in the second you know that the woman has rejected precisely because he has known.
When a woman leaves you fall under "I'm a shit." That is, if the framework is how we see things, the context through reality which we perceive the context "I am a shit" question implies not only if you're doing the right things in life but even conclude that you are a total failure and that your life is no good.
This is the worst of the one-itis of the widower, is the gap that leaves women in your life to get out of it but, suddenly, you see all the other gaps in it. Sometimes even perceive as empty areas that are not at all. That is the essence of the framework, things are not what they are but how you perceive them.
The widower of one-itis cure "? or the same thing happens to the flu lasts seven days or a week without treatment with medication. In a way it is, there really is no foolproof way to avoid falling into a one-itis of these. The vaccine against the widow one-itis is something yet discovered, and I that I have the seduction of art, not science'm very skeptical that a remedy can be invented so. What if there are ways to make it more bearable.
1) Fill out the pantry. Before I spoke of that when a woman leaves you empty magnificent all your life. Therefore, do not let you have gaps in your life. Men when we have a stable relationship tend to fall into complacency and inaction. Do not, keep your spirit matched single rebel and adventurer. Continue striving for a more intense life, full and satisfactory. Live day by day, falling in love with yourself every day for a new plea. So not only will be hard to leave you but, if you leave, just bleed.
2) Crises are times of opportunity, do not stop to hear in the media but it's true. Within a few years all to admire a new millionaire in the current crisis had the great idea. The abandonment of a woman is also an excellent time to undertake changes in your life. It is not recommended while you look for substitutes to fill your mind and stop thinking about it but take the opportunity to do all those projects that have a long time but have always left for another time. Believe me the opportunity you expected.
3) The produce fermented wine, if what you get is not wine you may have done something wrong ... but may also what must not be believed. It is a classic thinking that the woman was the wife leaves you in your life and torture you for not being able to keep to your side. However, in many cases what happens is that your not working precisely because it was the woman in your life. When a woman leaves you can not avoid idealizing, but we can put an end to such idealization. Keep in mind that if a woman is the woman in your life means that your have to work, that is not working is because it was the woman in your life. Do not let beat you without addressing Idealism face.
Edited: 26-XII-2008 I recommend reading the comments on this post are really good. Analysis and find them very effective remedies for the one-itis
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