Passion Pit, have not yet released its first LP and you are one of the groups in 2009 thanks to great songs and Sleepyhead.
The vacuum is one of the most popular techniques Wayne Elise "Juggler" and at the same time, one of the most unknown in the sense that many people know that the vacuum exists, but few know exactly what it is.
Vacuum (vacuum in English) is a technique of staying silent to create an uncomfortable silence that forces the girl to say something to fill the silence.
the vacuum really is the fear that men and women have to be rejected. Women have a script that guarantees them capture the attention of the man that interests them. The problem is rarely interested in a man hunt leave so simple. Arguably, the script confirms the attractiveness of women at the expense of the appeal of man who is reduced to a toad. And is that dating game is very similar to the swing in which two children are placed in separate ends of a rod so that when one rises the other falls. But despite that no woman will spontaneously leave the script because if you do feel insecure. A woman while remaining within the limits of the script knows that it can hunt man (another thing that I want) but outside of those boundaries is not so clear that it is sufficiently attractive. Consequently, if women want out of your routine will have to do something to break the schemes, is that why they used techniques such as vacuum, the negs or push and pull.
specifically with the idea you transmit vacuum women is that their weapons of seduction are insufficient to seduce so if you want something you will be left of tricks and show your personality. That is something that will never spontaneously because a woman can have great confidence in their physical, but when it comes to their personality all are unsafe.
The use of vacuum summarized in three sentences that seem very obvious but if you read you will see that few people follow them.
If you ask a question is because you are interested in answer
The vacuum is not so silent as to get serious. The thing is that when you talk to a woman you're in a sociable way, you're funny and kind. Then, in half a second, your face becomes serious, throw a direct question and you're left in silence waiting for the response.
The key is that women feel challenged and therefore is or as some say it qualifies. The idea is that women feel tried and detail the reason for their choice is not limited to a yes or no but to explain. Remember that women naturally are not going to get out of your script, if you want me to have to give rise to it.
speak with a woman and you're so fun to be sociable, cheerful and attentive. If in that state say "so you're a journalist," she will reply "yes" and not feel you have to add nothing else, just the conversation not requiring more involvement on their part.
But saying that sentence you get serious and you stay in silence waiting for her response is not limited to state but add something more like "yes, since childhood I liked to write and I chose journalism because I thought that the best way of life writing. I was disappointed to discover that in the profession just write four but, well, he just taking pleasure in their job. "
see the difference, with something as simple as waiting get serious and she has contributed much more to the conversation. It is no longer mere spectator of your show but actually there is an interaction two bands with you.
If you ask a question is because you are interested in the subject
often you ask a question and get an answer, yes, but an incomplete response. In such cases cross-examination is better than keeping quiet so that she spontaneously say something else. Example:
- Have you ever been to Africa?
- Yes once went to the Red Sea
- And what, do you like? Too
so little interest or involvement in other words too many questions, things like a police interrogation.
- Have you ever been to Africa?
- Yes once went to the Red Sea [Silence Vacuum] I went with some college mates to dive and was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.
Do you understand the difference? In what is now much easier to show interest.
a question If you stay to hear the answer
This transcends what is the vacuum, but comes to mind and it's very important. Many times we use time and time the woman says something that allows us to qualify it and when we find we enter a war to see who is cooler. Example:
- Last summer I was scuba diving in the Red Sea.
- As I was climbing the K 2 on the south side and the entire bibliography Dickens in the backpack.
The explanation is simple: with a fascinating personality women intimidate us and try to prove that we are at their height. This sent to hell under the award and kill any attraction she may have seen us. Instead let the girl developed the theme, shut up because now is the time to listen. Enter into a war of egos would be as stupid as the miner who after days of digging is the first nugget of gold and decides to leave the hole and start digging somewhere else.
Believe me there is much beauty to think that the Flintstones are based on real events so when you give to an interesting woman instead of feeling intimidated feel lucky.
- Last summer I was scuba diving in the Red Sea.
- Really? I've been told is the best place for diving. I have really wanted to try it.
- Well, do not be missed. I do diving since childhood and have never seen anything that even comes close.
Indeed, after the vacuum, when the woman has made the effort to reward you reveal your personality. If you are one who prefer skin tear you to shreds before they show interest will be better to forget this article.
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