I typical current songs but today I make an exception and put a Facto Delafé and blue flowers. There are many reasons to make them an exception but only say the most important: I might like more.
this assumption: you have just been talking to a woman and you have not kissed. What was wrong? There are two hypotheses: a) you have not dared to kiss her, b) you dared to kiss her but she rejected you because you do not like you. Well, to avoid again you spend the first hypothesis is in charge of the clearance, they do not ever stumble on the second option deals with the outside game. So far okay? Well, today I intend to speak of a third option that you may not have kissed the girl, you're daring, that she likes you but he is afraid to kiss you.
Afraid to kiss me?
Exactly. We often talked of fears of a man over the seduction but never (or at least very rarely) it's fears. So much so that many men are unaware that a woman might feel frightened at the thought of sleeping with a man. Simplistically say that if a woman does not ride it a man is not willing. And sometimes but not always so. It's like a man in a nightclub, if he starts talking with a woman can be either because they feel attracted by it or by the opposite case: the girl likes them, he intimidated to the point where they dared to speak with it. Well
happens as women, they too are afraid of rejection. It's a different fear but fear the end. Arguably, both are afraid to give us the bedroom door in his face, the difference is that men have to beat us to the outside and women inside. A scare us who do not want to sleep with us, that we let into the bedroom. To them that after sex, we get up and go away, it appears that everything was a set up to sleep with her.
Women think so much before bed with a man. Typically many gurus here will unleash a lengthy tirade about important developments and implications for a woman to become pregnant and the risks taken to bed with you. It is true that. But in my opinion, outweigh the concerns of the century, ie all the bad experiences that women have suffered because of a man he came to a sexual level. For a woman it is very hard to be abandoned by a man lie with a man for a woman means today not so much the risk of pregnancy but the risk of being rejected. For a woman to be rejected by a man I have slept very hard, it feels like a disposable object. Think for a moment how you treat things disposable and the concept you have of them, can not be lower. Women love to feel sexy, well, rather, need to be known attractive. But rarely feel this way, always have doubts. If Gisele Bundchen is convinced that thousands of women are more beautiful than she and Megan Fox can not be seen on the screen because it looks ugly, imagine what it must pass through the minds of other women. Women are constantly questioning their beauty, suffer much from it and feel just objects throwaway is the last thing I want to feel.
For all this I think so much before sex. In some ways follow the doctrine of the Pope, the same way that the Vatican says the best way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases is sexual abstinence women conclude that the best way not to be rejected is sexual abstinence. A lack of emotional condoms the only way for a night of passion ends in a dawn of pain is abstinence (or reverse what do you now understand better why some women do not just tell you the moment you you're removing your pants?)
The motivation that leads to women not to sleep with a man who likes very similar to the reason that a man dare not enter a woman who attracts him. Just as you try to sleep with a woman means taking a risk that she may reject you for a woman to sleep with a man means running the risk of getting rejected. Add to that now that women are emotional creatures, and therefore their emotions are more intense than ours and have a very close approximation to what happens when a woman feels rejected.
Being as something quite obvious that women also suffer the evil of bullying in the seduction is surprising how little (or no) time on this issue. It is true that we speak of Rapport, connection, comfort, etc. but never assumes that seduction involves many risks for the woman (and I mean no pregnancy), and that this gives him great fear. In fact this article does not pretend to invent anything new because there are many ways to create a connection I just want to stress that the reason why the Report is so important is because you need to find a solution to fears of a woman.
The moral of this article is that when you forward with a woman not only worry about presenting yourself as an attractive man but also as a man attracted. Is a phrase from Wayne Elise "Juggler" I love: charm lies in being interesting and interested. It is simply having note that the woman may feel fear during the seduction, to remind themselves and seek remedies before it is too late. Obviously
put this in operation is difficult. Perhaps the most difficult of seduction because it is something that no magic words, you always have to improvise. To generate interest routines you can find some universal validity but to show your interest, there's little room for memoriones. Simply open a forum of seduction and compare the material offered to generate interest with which it seeks to show interest.
no magic phrases but there are parameters to eliminate these fears.
And the base is credibility. To show interest does not hurt the ability of a Neruda but neither need it, just a compliment when you say she feels that is truthful.
And the best way to be authentic is to be honest but I suspect that if you're reading these lines is because they need some more help to know your interest so espondré a basic outline of how to show interest. With this scheme does not intend to create a strategy guide you closed it so that when a woman in front of you recognize when you are and have the security to continue. It's no treasure map but a simple guide to avoid roads that you have to take a thousand rounds and stand at every gas station to ask how to get to your destination.
The natural history of interest passes through three stages that summarize with the phrase: I'm interested, I like, and appeals to me.
I'm interested in is as simple as listening to a woman. Many men when a woman does or says something interesting to interrupt them something interesting, or at least supposedly interesting. Do not, is not the time to be interesting but to be interested. Instead listen, let it develop the theme, makes it clear that you're enjoying what you say.
From here we immediately like it. If a woman want to go to develop a topic you have to make clear that interests you and you also like (the subject and by extension her, but for now the story) to humans in general and women in particular find it hard to talk about their things, their lives, how they are and what they do. So if you want a woman to feel comfortable talking about it not just have to let it clear that you care but also that it's okay, that their values \u200b\u200band principles have approved. Small things like really?, How interesting, I'd have been there or have always wanted to do that helps a lot because they make women feel good about yourself.
And lastly appeals to me. It's time to personalize the story was interesting and positive Now is the time to individualize. Highlight the values \u200b\u200bthat had the history, values \u200b\u200bthat you liked and made it concrete form. We must make the leap: the story is not what you like, now is it.
This whole story of overcoming the fears of women, to be interesting and interested and to be credible I called the keel for one simple reason. The keel is a triangular piece that goes in the bottom of the sail boats, keel, and plays an essential purpose: to navigate against the wind. A sailing boat with no keel could not sail with the wind in my face, the sailors would have to like centuries ago: get out the oars and rowing. The daggerboard is responsible for shipping sailing is possible, that man can sail whenever you want and whenever you decide no wind. Learn
showing interest is the keel of seduction, allowing you to overcome those headwinds are fears of a woman. Remember, the essence of seduction is not she cute but you see she looks pretty in the reflection of your eyes.