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What is the formula for success with women?
for me is 15% theory, 35% to 50% instinct and courage.
The problem is that many methods for the lack of initiative and value information. Exhaustingly regulate everything that can happen before a woman and say you have all the answers here, you have nothing to fear and nothing to improvise. As
idea is not bad, the penalty is not broken.
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said that no one can step twice into the same river because although it is the same river waters now are different from yesterday and different from tomorrow, just as you You're still the same but are different from you were and you'll be different.
The reality is constantly changing, and not all women are equal and not all women are always the same, its character varies from person to person, time and place. Too many changes to make fixed rules. Being so it is impossible to formulate rules governing the seduction of a full and then claim to have universal validity.
A catalog that intends to make a phrase or particular technique to solve any obstacles that may appear on the seduction only be useful for those who wrote the catalog, before the woman who put him in that trouble and in that moment and place. The efficacy of these magic phrases that will decline as you change items to the equation.
Instead I am in favor of general criteria have the advantage of being universal, but the disadvantage that they are abstract. Valid for all men and women, but require payment of the toll of having to adapt to every woman and context. I said before that the theory is only 15% of the formula for success, 85% is able to adapt the abstract principle to that particular woman and in that moment ..
not seek to learn techniques or phrases, find out the attitudes of success, why at that point, the person and address that woman worked that phrase. As the Chinese proverb: it is not give you fish, but to learn to fish.
animals hunt by instinct. Wolf Mom and Dad do not bring their cubs to a school to learn to hunt but it is something they learn by themselves by watching their parents.
But the rules change with the animals born in captivity do not know how to hunt for themselves (they never have and have never seen their parents hunt for food is something they literally fell from heaven). That means that an animal born in captivity die if released from starvation by not having the foggiest idea how to hunt. Biologists know today, before releasing an animal subjected to hunting and survival courses. These courses are not theoretical style that is a sheep, eat and this stone, do not eat "but rather to awaken the animal your hunting instinct by losing the fear of creatures that would be potential victims, that gradually become more familiar with the dynamics of the game up to become a predator.
happens to you something. You should have learned to link yourself but it did not and why it does not matter now, what matters is that you learn to seduce. Ysi want to learn how to seduce you'll have to learn to let your sense of smell, intuition, pragmatism, and so on. and guide seduction. In short: you awaken your instinct is seductive, but instinct that you are sleepy. Just as an animal born in captivity are not taught to hunt, but it releases its hunting instinct you can not teach you to seduce but you can release your seductive flair.
The instinct is usually associated with a kind of sixth sense that alerts you to the presence or absence of hazards by nuances that are beyond the conscious mind. It is a kind of intellectual smell. The problem comes when the methods of seduction this smell replaced by a sort of artificial respiration in the form of filters, structures, studies, analysis, dynamics, etc. The made for the instinct is the kingdom of the doubt. The instinct is always doubtful, if we see something clearly then it is instinct. Instinct is a suspicion, a feeling that the thing seems to be going well or going wrong, you're not entirely sure but you sense that things are well. The wicked seduction methods which offer you to replace this uncertainty about the safety of an enclosed structure. Again the same: the idea is not bad, the penalty is not broken.
Instinct is not clear because it relies on little nuances that by its very nature is not clearly perceived hue. Cancel this uncertainty is only possible by attacking the root of the doubt: the nuances. All these methods override the uncertainty closed ignoring the nuances, so many people applying these ideas so ridiculous acts of insulting to women when it comes to extol or exalt something when you have to reproach.
theory with their structures are very well to awaken your instinct to pay attention to nuances that once ignored or even know existed but it can not replace your instinct information. You have to assume that at least 35% of the seduction is instinctively able to see the nuances of each person and adapt to them. Therefore it is very important to practice because your gut will not wake up with theory but practice. Close your books open women.
If not for the referee Hurricane would be the champion of Argentine Clausura (in case I is reading a fan of Velez say that that is what the chronicles published in Spain, I have not seen the match so if you you liked my comment I invite you to give me his version of events before entering disqualifications). The Argentines will know better than me but the Hurricane is fighting to win a title is something seldom seen in its 100 years of history (specifically 100 years and a couple of months) so it is worth paying attention to the philosophy that has led him to be moral champion Argentina (Velez fans are going to end up killing me, and some of San Lorenzo may also). In this interview
Angel Cappa, current coach of Hurricane and an old English football reels off his philosophy. Article highlight this phrase to be fully applicable to the seduction and why I like so little certain methods of seduction.
"First, in the modern game, and also in Argentina, the first thing the player is robbed of the pleasure of playing. They take courage. So do not play. It plays a role that ends up being painful for try to win points. The player tries to make sure. And soccer entails a risk. You have to train to run that risk and take the risk of playing. The first thing that I used as policy is to encourage play. You have to enjoy the game, that allows the player to pay more. "Angel Cappa
The truth is that the phrase is quite clear and does not need much explanation.
The great truth of many methods of seduction is to eliminate the courage, which is an advantage because we know how much it can cost a woman to stop, but with the courage to take the fun. No doubt when these methods effective (although some should not work because if the author would not change method one book to another is not it?) but it's so boring you have to be very desperate to follow them.
I propose that instead of looking for structures and dynamics that override the courage to get used to danger, to leave to see the risk as your enemy but as the possibility of doing what you do, and fun way above. Courage is the main element of seduction, look no annulled. As Pep Guardiola says "The risk is not risky." What should scare you is precisely not to be afraid.
guess some will say that these structured methods are more boring but much more effective. I disagree. When Valdano and trained to Real Madrid Cappa opted for the method "in doubt courage" and called for an offensive style and the team 100% not only won the league, got goals in Europe but also mythical broke the mark of minutes without conceding a goal. Mark 14 years later still not overcome.
the end if you have fun, if you enjoy what you do and fight for your dreams are good. You do not need any structure, you just 15% of theory, 35% and 50% instinct of courage.
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