Delorean - Deli
"It was a good staff officer but the same virtues in that endeavor, thoroughness, detail, logic, order, modesty, respect all the orders, they did catastrophic in front of a field army in battle, his lack of decisiveness, boldness, charisma, courage and character in short, was lethal for the Sixth Army. "
With these words describe Jacinto Antón Marshal Friedrich Paulus, who led Nazi troops at the Battle of Stalingrad. They lost the battle, and half her war.
The moral of the paragraph Jacinto Anton is that there are men who are great but terrible field assistants leaders. They are excellent employees because they have great knowledge on the subject but they are lousy when they are in control because they lack character and do not know function in the real world.
With seduction is the same. There are people who are or will be great helpers seductive. Have read many books on seduction-even one written-but never pass the level "seductive loose" for lack of character.
What is character? Having
character is to have the four qualities mentioned by Jacinto Antón, decision, courage, daring and charisma.
Making decisions is easy when you know the right answer. Moreover, is a true pleasure. The difficult thing is to make a decision when all are doubts and uncertainties. In this case everyone leaving the brown hides the head "that something is."
However, in these moments of doubt, uncertainty and turbulence is where it shows who has the decision.
seduce When you have to be very clear that decision making is something inescapable. You have to adopt a strategy and analysis at every moment that best suits your purpose to seduce the girl. On this basis there is a basic rule: the worst is not to decide, to be carried away by events. Better a bad decision, a failure of your strategy that does not decide, go with the situation.
Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the French Republic and consummate seducer of the masses and women, says "We are truly faithful to ourselves when we go forward. In my opinion, refusing to action is a form of regression. The nostalgia is a reaction rarely experiment. dare, undertake, try, to imagine is already done. And finally, I think essentially the virtues of the action. I do not doubt myself over 'in principle' that never materializes. "
Therefore, as you have to decide inexcusably and not always going to be clear what the best option is imperative that you get used to trust your gut, to decide on the basis of your feelings when you can not decisions with full conviction. If you can not decide in the brain have to decide with your nose.
The vast majority of decisions you make before a woman can not be based on certainties but on intuition. Go get used to the important thing is not successful, is to decide.
And then if we have to correct, is rectified. But correcting always moving. Remember the next time you doubt if ...
Courage and boldness.
are the courage and audacity, the same thing. The truth is that not qualify it worth the difference? I certainly do not. So treat them together. CITED
itself is a major vanity samples that can be incur. But trying to rewrite a text is a self-torture of Iranian Ayatollah. I remember commenting that if Tom Wolfe took 10 years to write A Man was, among other reasons, because they realized that some of the chapters more he resisted were versions of fragments of The Bonfire of the Vanities . Normal that would stick.
So I, to avoid traffic jams and even risky to call me selfish, the end of the day this article is about character, I will copy a paragraph from The formula for success which he spoke of courage.
If not for the referee would be the champion Hurricane Argentina Clausura (in case I is reading a fan of Velez say that that is what the chronicles published in Spain, I have not seen the match so if you liked my comment I invite you to give me his version of the facts before entering disqualifications). The Argentines will know better than me but the Hurricane is fighting to win a title is something seldom seen in its 100 year history, namely 100 years and a couple of months, so it is worth paying attention to the philosophy that has led him to be moral champion Argentina (Velez fans are going to end up killing me, and some of San Lorenzo may also). In this interview
Angel Cappa, current coach of Hurricane and an old English football reels off his philosophy. Article highlight this phrase to be fully applicable to the seduction and why I like so little certain methods of seduction.
"First, in the modern game, and also in Argentina, the first thing the player is robbed of the pleasure of playing. They take courage. So do not play. It plays a role that ends up being painful for try to win points. The player tries to make sure. And soccer involves risk. You have to train to run that risk and take the risk of playing. The first thing put as a rule is that dare to play. You have to enjoy the game, that allows the player to pay more. "Angel Cappa
The truth is that the phrase is quite clear and does not need much explanation.
The great truth of many methods of seduction is to eliminate the courage, which is an advantage because we know how much it can cost a woman showing interest, but with the courage to take the fun. No doubt when these methods effective (although some should not work because if the author would not change method a book to another is not it?) but it's so boring you have to be very desperate to follow them.
I propose that instead of looking structures and dynamics that override the courage you get used to danger, to leave to see the risk as your enemy but as the possibility of doing what you do, and fun way above. Courage is the main element of seduction, look no annulled. As Pep Guardiola says "The risk is not risky." What should scare you is precisely not to be afraid.
guess some will say that these structured methods are more boring but much more effective. I disagree. When Valdano and trained to Real Madrid Cappa opted for the method "in doubt courage" and called for an offensive style 100% and the team not only won the league, reached mythical thrashings (5-0 to Barca) but also broke the mark of minutes without conceding a goal. Mark 14 years later still not overcome.
the end if you have fun, if you enjoy what you do and fight for your dreams are good.
Given the difficulty the only weapon that has a seductive is the word.
Words can hide, lie or entertain. But it also serves to argue, explain and entertain. There are words that produce results that change the reality.
Charisma is that, knowing when to adapt your speech to make it capable of transforming reality. Knowing how to find the words that move when they have to move or relax when they to relax.
What distinguishes a seducer of an ordinary person is that is "his words. You can not change his nature, be higher or put more money in your checking account. But you can change the perception that women have it through words.
results do not always get the first, many not the second. Winning in such cases is not just a matter of emphasis but also to learn to adapt to circumstances and change them with your speech.
How is that?
First, be aware that not just talk. It should be borne in mind that the words produce a certain result and pay attention to that is the desired result. When you go to open your mouth, stop a second, remember the result you want and then begins to talk.
Second, expanding your records. Do you always talk the same? You must learn to adapt your speech to each situation and to be able to do this you have to learn from the great communicators. The players watch videos of their idols and are inspired by them. Do the same, go to the best literature and see how the authors know how to change their way of expression according to each time.
Third, get out. Right now you do not know what to improve. You've never paid attention to the variety in your repertoire. Just get to know where failures out on the streets and dealing with women, and just know you have exceeded your weakness when you check in the street. Remember, it's about being a good on the battlefield, not on a map.
As you know those who read the most fun part of this blog-the comments-with this post I open a parenthesis to take a break.
I just fell in my hands a very interesting project and I will be impossible to align it with the blog so I am forced to let a season.
I can not give details, but not cast aside that has to do with seduction. Neither bear for sure.
A hug and thanks for your support. One of the things I've learned all this time is that the so-called seduction community is continually regenerating its members. Every day someone new comes in and someone is fired, it makes me think that I will be witnessing one of these lines but also many I'm not going to ever see again. So I just wish you the best, I hope I helped even a little to achieve your dreams. For me it was a pleasure to share this time with you.