Anni B Sweet - A Sarcastic Hello.
Let's start talking Formula 1
The other day I had a very interesting talk with one of the few people in Spain really know about Formula 1 (no mistake before we saw Alonso this four cats). We talked about the failure to replace Ferrari with Felipe Massa Luca Badoer Marc Gené instead. What went through your head Stefano Domenicali? He told me a telemetry determinants were throwing a favorable result against the English Badoer. But those were trap telemetry: they referred to two specific circuits was well aware Badoer, outside of those tracks Badoer results were as bad as we noted at Valencia and Spa.
The conclusion drawn from this story is that a driver gets better the more you know the circuit where you drive. This theory applies to the allure: the better you know your city better seducer be.
The power of seduction of men and women depends not only on what they are or what they do but also where they do. A textbook example: a woman (and man) are greatly increased its appeal for the simple fact of being behind a bar. Not very logical but it is incontestable.
As it is time to worry about where.
The scenario of a meeting is of great significance to determine the outcome. It's not just that there are scenarios where it is impossible to fall surrendered and others that love is impossible, it is also woman when a man is not only hopes to meet an attractive man, also waiting to take you to a great site.
The place you choose for an appointment is very important.
can be a master of romance, but your words will not get anywhere walking through a landfill. In contrast, a couple of topics can be master in the midst of an evening stroll by an Egyptian temple (twist of fate, in the middle of Madrid is the Temple of Debod , a gift from the Egyptian Government, the current government, not the of Pharaohs-)
Similarly, a cafeteria alternative environment to fund a library you will be presented as a deep person immediately, no need to table a book of Bukowski-something that would be very forced and not work. Of course this cafe also exists: The double armed bandit, street Apodaca 3.
Your environment is a reflection of who you are. If you are a modern person to lead a woman to trendy restaurants, if you are adventurous take her to unusual places, if you are romantic meet the most magical places in the parks, and so forth.
Get everything that involves having a thorough knowledge deep in your city. Meet hundreds of sites to find out which one best fits each time.
How do you know your city? Would you know how chic tell me three restaurants, three cafes and three bars trenddy cool in your city? Although both anglicized seems we are talking New York.
right? Then get going because it is a deficiency that should be covered. As a seducer you must have a thorough knowledge of cafes, bars, restaurants, parks, exhibitions, tours, shopping, entertainment and getaways.
To achieve this will be very useful entertainment guides. In Spain, on Friday virtually every major newspaper supplements offer really interesting. And if you read the entire newspaper better, as you could see my blog is stuffed full of quotations from newspaper articles, without going further east. You ink stains fingers but it's worth the experience.
Oh, and this does not require much money. Go to the fashionable restaurant the city is not for everyone, but a coffee and a walk in the park itself. Then there know how to move, such as restaurant Bazaar, apart from being the site where the video was shot I put "is a great value for money because apprentice chefs working there. Wise up man, not just stand, that more expensive is a drink in a nightclub or nonsense cathode proposed that certain characters in the name of peacocking, forgiveness swagger. (Takes stick!)
often speaks of the seductive and men with an agenda full of numbers of women who call. It's a bit peliculero, actually he has a seductive is a full schedule of events, plans to do. That is the real agenda, Sam, get yours.
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