Morrissey - I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris
know how to play in football behind the ball means knowing how to play when you have possession of ball.
Is it important to know how to play without the ball? Well if you're up to some phenomena that will ensure every shot a goal maybe you can dedicate yourself to look at public aunts when your computer does not have the ball. Otherwise, if your team is just quality your chance to win go to know play without the ball and not miss the chances that you may have.
The same goes for seduction, if you are handsome, famous or a millionaire maybe you can neglect your game without the ball. If not the case your options depend on what you know to do without the ball at his feet.
What is seduction does not have the ball?
Seduction is a game consisting in causing emotions, you have the ball when you're the one that provoke emotions, do not have it when the woman who you are provoked. Learn to play after the ball is nothing to control the emotions that a woman provokes you.
The problem with many men is that women do not have an attractive personality but are not able to show it because they control their own feelings. It is as if Rafa Nadal playing tennis put a blindfold on, not that it is bad is that he is blind, as you remove the band will begin to win every point. Seduce begins with learning to play behind the ball, you control your feelings. Keep
-ball is to maintain the position. Your opponents know it and dedicated the whole game to get you out of your post. Switched sides, stay away, they will come, you'll get nervous, do you trust, etc.
The position of a woman's seduction is very similar to that of a striker, either more or less consciously do everything possible to lose control. Keeping
position seduction is what is commonly called keeping the frame (frame). Ie: keep the belief that you are attractive and that you are the best that can happen to women in life.
This belief has been eroded to the extent you intimidated by women. Bullying is scary, in this case a woman intimidate you when you infuse the fear of rejection. You feel intimidated by women to the extent that you feel you can not seduce her.
This fear can be caused deliberately by the woman or can result from a comment she well intentioned, often what is its simple beauty intimidates no need to open his mouth.
This fear causes a reaction in you: do something to reveal to you as someone attractive.
That's the ruling. You just lost the position.
A defense lost the position when the opposition manages to put him fear and doubt in the body then begins to leave gaps, late for the ball, continually make mistakes ... in short, his behavior becomes inexplicable. Nobody deliberately act so, and that's the key: not acting is reacting. The forwards have managed to scare you, do not feel safe and no longer plays but simply reacts to plug holes that sees without being aware that this creates increasingly larger holes. In seduction
lose the position when you do not act but react. Something has happened that makes you doubt that you are able to seduce and you react to change the situation, to make it very clear that you are attractive.
From now your jokes stop being funny, your replicas will be meaningless, your gestures will shame, etc. What happened? Man, thou hast lost the position: you are not acting but reacting.
So the first thing you have to learn to play without the ball is how not to lose the position. We achieve this through this dynamic that we call "procedure to maintain the position." (I'm not much given to baptize techniques but as I continually refer to this procedure will be better if we put name)
How to maintain your position.
take an example, a man is talking to a woman and it says "do not go out with guys like you. "Given this statement these are the scenarios:
reactive behavior. The man is upset, angry and hurt reaction leading to leaving, insulting (I do not hang out with hookers) or dropping a bluff (so they say all up they see my sport).
proactive behavior. Do not go out with guys like you said it and he replied "it should". There has been no reaction, no fear of rejection. Do not decentralized its rejection.
contrareactivo behavior. This is an intermediate step that will have to go through and where I will stop so you do not dwell on it longer inevitable. The point is that a contrareacción is also a reaction. Ie: there are men who feel intimidated by women aware of this charge and that it is not good so look forward to something that idea that they are not scared.
This category includes all those who face a threat of rejection by the woman used a phrase or a technique taken from a seduction guru thinking that this phrase is magical and will decay resistance of women in the same way the doors opened the cave where Baba Ali said Abracadabra.
Their problem is not what they say, the guru does not lie, that phrase to him works. Nor how indeed the aspiring seductive technique has been misused but that's more the effect than the cause. The problem is why: the subject was rather intimidated and afraid to attack and destroy it has tried to hide it. Not that women are very smart and have lots of experience discovering frauds (which many are), the problem is the bad actor you are.
Your enemy is afraid, not the woman to discover. Ring is no fear to hide, you have to stop being reactive and be contrareactivo is not the solution. How do I get
not be reactive?
may seem somewhat mystical but very real. Memory learning you do not need long routine, but you need to learn to control your emotions. Learn that when you feel intimidated that feeling of fear is your enemy. You fight it and destroy it, then you will experience a tremendous clarity and a better response will happen that will make you feel like the reincarnation of Casanova. Sounds mystical but it is the fucking truth.
The scheme is this:
1) appears intimidation.
You approach an attractive woman, you say something and she answers "But uncle, who told you to come"
Then you feel bad, very bad. It has been just what I feared now fear pushes you to run and not stop till you get home, the head off anger, anger to do something to show that you attractive and walk away leaving her grieving for his clumsiness, etc.
2) You identify bullying as your enemy.
you realize that you are intimidated by the response of women. But rather than walk all the heads looking for something to leave you in good stead identify your feelings of fear, anger or rage as your real enemies and seek to suppress.
3) maintains control.
eliminate bullying you enter a state of calm and relaxation which is easy to find you a good answer. Something like:
- Who has been to come.
- No, I have been freely and without coercion because I love your eyes and I want to know.
This is the essential idea the-ball. Then I will develop this idea by exposing the main obstacles appear in the game without the ball and how to maintain your position.
Confidence in the set.
In football a key position is to maintain confidence in your teammates. Let's say you are central, while the front is in the center of the field does not scare you because you have control. He knows it and is thrown into the band which creates a dangerous situation because you no longer control. That will test if you keep losing the position shows that you're afraid, if you hold the position it shows is that you trust your own mate side. Although the forward escape your control do not get scared because you know you're in the area of \u200b\u200binfluence of a solvent partner. A player outside your area of \u200b\u200bcontrol is a potential danger, but as you have confidence in your teammates know that this danger is not going to materialize.
The scheme is similar to the seduction, it is that your personality plays as a team. Suppose that during an interaction comes out a quality of yours that is not very attractive (for example: you have neglected and have a little belly). Before this course many men are to excuse his belly or find something else with which to compensate for the defect. Something like tummy tuck and hold your breath for seem to have good abs, or comment on "whether it should exercise more, but when you have a sports car in the garage never want to walk."
have lost the position very clearly, or you think that in speaking those people thought they were attractive and that being with them was the best thing that could happen to a woman.
In these cases you have to do is apply the procedure to maintain the position and realize that your problem is not the belly but the reaction to the comment of women has occurred in you. No need to search for something to compensate for this defect, but you have to attack this feeling of fear that the girl (Helped by your fat) will have occurred. And that feeling vanishes remembering something that you might be fat but you're still the best thing that can happen to a woman because you are nice, interesting, funny ...
In these cases, if you manage to maintain the position of the belly laughing discover that you have come, how bad you dance or what you're being bald. Women will be more focused in your security and your belly will be amazed how you kept the faith in a situation in which ordinary mortals gets to mourn.
Hold this position is everything in the game after the ball, but not always enough. There are teams that you keep seeing the position is left with no alternatives and lose the ball. But others see the big teams are able to retain the ball and play it while waiting for you to make a mistake.
Same with women. Some women do not lose the position discouraged, sometimes not even try it harder. The solution in such cases is to increase the pressure, not only the position but also keep pressure on the opponent so it can not easily move the ball.
pressure in the seduction is summarized in one word: never let a woman something that would not allow if they were ugly and do nothing that would not otherwise was beautiful.
The way women try to get low cost validation is either complaining or attacking us. Validation call to low cost validation that women want to achieve without risk, without showing their personality without being involved in the conversation.
That is something achieved by two means, first picking on men, blaming them for something they feel unattractive and try to do something to get approval from women.
face of these attacks the first thing is to maintain the position. Attacking the feeling that you're losing the girl. Cancelled this feeling usually feel a clarity that takes you to laugh at yourself it is the part we've been talking about confidence in the team. But sometimes what you feel is not fear of rejection but do not you like to laugh at yourself, what you feel is that the woman's behavior is unacceptable, which may be very good but the way it is behaving completely intolerable. The first comment was funny, the second was becoming tiresome, and the third was too much. Then you say something to make it clear that neither her beauty intimidates you or accept his behavior. (Focuses negs that way).
The other way in which women claim low cost care is complaining. Are the assumptions that are not the focus and start to behave as a small child that their parents do not pay attention, they complain, magnify all its evils, do not listen but to add something more serious, and so on.
In these cases, many men are to comfort the woman thinking it's your time to earn it. But what they are doing is giving away its framework. Would you do the same with an ugly woman? or think that besides heavy fine is a boring ugly. Well, in these cases you must apply the procedure to maintain the position and you will see as the woman is very beautiful but can not bear much egotism so choose to ignore, ignore their complaints and tears of crocodile.
In football a good counterattack is what separates the danger of an excellent opportunity to attack. This is what in Zen culture is defined as using force to topple your opponent by attacking spaces are left know how to exploit these spaces is very important in football and seduction.
The seduction is the counterattack can be translated as reframe reframed. Reframing is changing the framework, the way we perceive reality. The reality is not objectively but subjectively varies. The size of a building is always the same look huge next to the house of a dog and insignificant next to the Petronas Towers. In reframed
not only surpass their traps (hold position) but that erode their position, do you shake your foundations. And can not engage in play with your emotions because it completely controls his own.
reframed In seduction you do to keep the idea that you are attractive and that being with you is the best thing to happen to the girl while eroding its position causing her to question her atractivo.Te reaffirmed as someone attractive and would you put it in doubt whether she is attractive enough for you. The
can be reframed mainly in three ways. What I will explain through an example that apparently has no content that is seductive but in these cases the most important is to maintain the framework that are attractive. An example several reframed.
reframed by content.
- Are you upset?
- A little. I was just finishing some work issues.
- Then go Noob. You have to be stupid to stay home a day like today.
- "You're proposing something? Mmm, I'd have to think What are you wearing?
reframed Thanks to his sentence and does not mean a rebuke but an invitation. I'm no longer the boring, but the guest, she goes to fear if you are trying too.
reframed by context.
- Are you upset?
- A little. I was just finishing some work issues.
- Then go Noob. You have to be stupid to stay home a day like today.
- You laugh but you'll see when I see you. I recommend that you avoid me a season.
This time change the context for a guy to stop being bored and become a person you are interrupting.
zoom reframed by
- Do you bother?
- A little. I was just finishing some work issues.
- Then go Noob. You have to be stupid to stay home a day like today.
- Well thank you very much, is just what I needed to hear now.
Now I will actually see their behavior from another point of view, making you feel selfish. I am not a boring, is it that is a thoughtless. Sleep
the game.
Sometimes when a team is winning and not interested in a long tiring towards the next party that the party does is sleep in order to let time pass without creating and I think sometimes without warning. When a team does it its meaning is clear: if they were the party would end right now, I better the result.
Since winning team employ this technique only when you're winning, if you lock yourself in the area not to be thrashed then you're a loser. It is very important to remember this difference because there are men who delivered the lead woman for fear of being rejected, because they dare to show interest. Beware the difference because it is basic.
Women think it long before a sexual level. But sometimes they are passed. In these cases the strategy is to sleep and let the game pass the time. It is the only way to keep part of me attractive and being with you is the best thing to happen to the girl. If the girl certainly more reasonable than you take a step back, stop trying and say "I have options with so many women that I will not try again you. You on the other hand are losing the opportunity of a lifetime" When a team
sleeps the game is because you need do nothing more to win, against his rival is having to move tab to get a result postive.
How to know when to sleep the game? Under the scheme to maintain the position if the feeling you experience free of external constraints is that of boredom, then stop trying to progress and play it. And remember never sleep for fear the party to show interest.
Playing without the ball with the ball at his feet.
This concept is much easier than it looks.
in football that a team has possession of the ball does not mean you have carte blanche to attack out of control. This is not a schoolyard game where everyone can get forward with impunity. In modern football position is saved even when attacking. It is what is called play without the ball with the ball at his feet.
The essence is the same: keeping the position for both offensive and defensive reasons. Offensive because if the team runs onto the ball will form a guerrilla band of people you will be very easy to lose possession of the ball by keeping your position against you force your opponent to spread throughout the country encouraging them to appear hollow. Defensively because you do not have to cover against possible counterattack the opponent.
ego In seduction you can play the two ways. First into thinking you're not feeling attractive and you need to do something to be perceived as a interesting. Second, when you have occasion to show yours look attractive. The first I have spoken, I will focus on the latter.
Suppose you're a very attractive woman and she says the thing he likes in this world are the men who jump with a parachute. And it happens that you are national champion skydiving. Do you feel the temptation? You feel compelled to talk about your accomplishments and achievements in the field of parachute jumping. Yet women simply smile and little else. What happened? Well, you've lost the context of being the prize. We have given gladly be part of the award because I thought it attractive enough to pay the price. What we have done is say you're the prize but I do not care because I'm your height. This strategy does not work.
What is the correct behavior? The first to hold the position, ie resist the urge to impress the woman. This is the fault and the reason you lose the frame. Do you like the paratroopers? So what? it was clear that the appeal was you, what was needed to know was whether she was well.
Do not be misled by the temptation of instant gratification and do not brag. Cancels that feeling and, as I said before, feel a sense of clarity and answers as good as you say "Go," in Seriously I like skydiving? I have practiced what little you have you ever tried? "This is a good response because it is not the answer to anyone looking to impress but to an interested person, someone who has been a motive in the woman who wants to know her better.
The discovery that a woman likes a feature yours should not use it to produce attraction to impress, but to produce a connection, to find a common ground between the two. A basic rule of seduction.
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