Notices. Donatello
me informed via email that Jefri Ross will give a seminar in Barcelona on August 28 . Also planned is the presence of Mario Luna and Dream. As I guess Jefri already know that Ross is considered the father of the seduction community has always been books about how to flirt but not until he created a community that is serious and committed to improving social skills. Without it, neither would be here.
The price is € 35 , which is nothing compared to what it normally charges $ 1600. More information on NCB Jefri Lair Ross (In principle the reservations made by email, BCN Lair has changed the system, this link encontraéis information on how to book and pay for).
This is a video of Ross Jefri action
This is the last post-season. I'm going on vacation and take the opportunity to get away from this world. Like a tight relationship that need to take a break and see things in perspective.
As a farewell video I put Miike Animal Snow.
wanted to finish the season with a post describing the seducer, to explain what are the traits and attitudes of the man who was carrying the girls. Many times I have asked how to generate attraction and I replied that is a more attitudes that routine, now intend to develop this idea. For this I was flipping through a couple of books until I found the enumeration Badboy makes a seductive qualities. It seemed like a good list as I have not resisted the temptation to copy or comment. Security
and not be desperate.
Stop being safe when you think you have to do something to be perceived as someone attractive, that parts of a position not to appeal and you have to do something to reverse it.
're a desperate when you do something purely for fear that the girl rejects you, when you vary your behavior just because she is allowing something that is not attractive tolerate a woman who does not attract you.
This is a key principle, if you have known a little explanation I refer you to post Playing without the ball.
knows what he wants.
Perhaps this is what most attract a woman. I recently heard a woman say that a man sexy is a man with goals and a plan to achieve them.
One of the secrets of success from the bad guys is that they know what they want from the woman, fuck her, period. They are also willing to try it without caring what you may think it. The great seducers
not only know what they want from women, but life in general. Unlike a bad boy does not despise consider future but to till the ground that can greatly benefit. Not only are willing to try sex with women without caring what people think of it but they will fight for your dreams without stepping on what to say.
A seducer is someone with goals in life and a firm conviction to give it all if necessary to achieve them.
Adventurer and rebellious.
adventurous spirit does not mean you have to throw yourself off a bridge every day or to cross the Sahara a few times a month. Be adventurous life means facing a challenge, see the obstacles as a challenge and not as an inconvenience.
An adventurous person is a person willing to take risks, a person so that the danger is not a reason to stop fighting for their goals. Remember when you encounter obstacles, but do not lament enfócalos as a challenge, as the ability to test you and test your skills. One danger is not a con but a point in your favor.
Rebellion Rebellion is the Siamese twin of the adventure. If adventure is fighting for your goals, rebellion is fighting for them without influence you for the opinions of others.
As Steve Jobs, a pretty rebellious and iconoclastic, "Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big decisions of my life. Because almost all expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure is away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remember that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. "
Under control.
Having control of a situation demands two things: the existence of a risk, and dominate the risk. If no risk can not speak of a controlled situation but a harmless situation.
Earlier I said that being adventurous is to address the dangers and challenges, along with this line will tell you that when you see an obstacle on seduction rather than lament enfócalo from the perspective that you have the opportunity to prove you're a person able to control situations. Like a judo fighter who uses the momentum of the attack to overthrow you. Feel
question is a golden opportunity to demonstrate your mastery of the situation. Instead of complaining, take it.
Sense of humor.
have always said that if you get a woman you would have come a long way. Why? Because humor is one of the few qualities, perhaps the only, who gets excited and relax to a woman.
A resourceful man, able to laugh and smile is starting a very exciting.
But the relaxed mood and a woman who laughs with you is a quiet woman who has the time without worry.
seduction for me is to convey feelings and those feelings are reduced to two: to stimulate and relax. With the humor got a two for one.
has good appearance, dress and smell good.
Actually, what this means is you do not have the appearance of a socially maladjusted kind but your appearance reflect a certain status. Does not mean you have to be a fashion victim far but watch your external appearance enough that she did not give ashamed to be seen in public with you
Sexual .
a sexual person is one who is comfortable showing interest and when you show interest.
Many men do not know how to create sexual tension. The key is to gradually revealing your interest in it. Do not go from zero to sixty in one second, but go slowly becoming more explicit. Sexual escalation is not a process to be overcome as soon as possible, well done is one of those times when more can enjoy.
Interesting and unpredictable .
Interesting. Want to be interesting? But speak, what you like. There are many gurus who say that there Day 2 to focus the interview not a job but as an opportunity to have a good time. I agree on everything but one thing why wait until day 2? My opinion is that from minute 1 of the first day go with the attitude of having fun. Add to this
specialize in issues of concern to women generally and not able to be more interesting.
Unpredictable. The worst thing a woman can be is predictable, if you can be unpredictable against women will have at your feet. It is interesting switch forward, be a charm for an appointment and then a few days pass without a sign. In the case of you women should not take anything for granted.
Honest and brave.
"Honored? But how to seduce not have to be a rascal?
I'm not fond of bullfighting but I'm curious by nature so one day I asked an expert why envisten English bulls and those who had not seen in the U.S.. He replied that Spain also had tame bulls and the bulls were the result of genetic selection, as in U.S. the stallion was chosen for the quality of their meat in the bulls the stallion is chosen for his bravery. And here's the curious, I said that if a bull is brave is not only necessary to envista, having caste in the language of the experts, but is also noble. The nobility of a bull you define it as somewhat naively, that is, for a bull is suitable for the deals is not enough to attack but also must respect certain principles. This language football: out to win the game but never engages in foul play. If you lack the nobility, paradoxically, the bull is not only the bravest of the pack but becomes tame.
The seducer is like a bull, is a man looking for sex with women but always noble manner, respecting women and without violating the rules of fair play seductive. If you want to be seductive to learn to be noble with women, you have to love them, respect them and not seek to cause them never damage. As Zan said Perrion must love women, fearless men who love women are loved by women.
In seduction you can always do three things: how easy, how hard and difficult. The right thing is usually the very difficult, hence you have to be brave.
Example: You're talking to a woman and intuit that's ready to be kissed. The easy thing is to wait and enhance the attraction. Error, you're acting like a coward and it kills the attraction.
The challenge would be to ask the phone number, I slowly but surely. New error, you are still a coward. The attraction has created is very weak, it is Probably not even know who you are when you call.
very difficult thing: kiss, maybe not but you said that you've passed the test. Remember that women say no to the feet. You have the feeling of having lost the battle but you won the war path. And if you let kiss her kid for nothing, you become a Don Juan.
wants a relationship with her.
One of the great truths of the male-female relationships is that we want them sex and relationships.
A relationship does not mean you have to put a ring on his finger, just to clarify what women can expect from you. What women want is no more involved in a relationship prefer a stable relationship but do not mind settling for a one-night if they know in advance. They do not want, and will never accept, is to lie with a man believed to have a serious relationship to discover the next morning was a story of one night. As García Márquez says the only thing women are not going to tolerate is that they change the rules mid-game.
And most importantly, she cares and believes it is special. She
matter means facing the dating game from the point of view that is a set of two. The seduction should be something beneficial for both, if you sleep with women but damage causes them something fails you as a seducer. Your success will not fool you, women really worth remain out of reach. For seduction progress is essential to demonstrate to women that you care and is not going to manipulate or harm. What is special
means that not only are interesting but you are interested. Not only will try to show an attractive personality but allow her to show her nature and appreciate it for what it is. Seduce is an essential part of the samples you fascinated by it, yes there you become weak, but that's not bad for you but strengthens your position with options like a man who has made his choice.
Happy summer everyone. Mario di Domenico
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