advantage that the holidays are a time given to the readings I offer a series of key events discussed in seduction. The summer reading title, although he himself would speak of refried August because most of the texts are discards that have done these last months of issues that I seemed to have the consistency to hold an item for themselves but also deserved to end up in the trash.
Patience, the secret ingredient of sexual escalation.
"In the club no steps but patience. You can not skip steps, but the evolution of the players themselves make" José Ramón Alexanco, Grassroots Director of FC Barcelona.
seduce is a stairway in which you control the number of steps, it depends on the woman and the context. Is not the same woman a libertine puritan or a woman who has spent months without sex with one that he practiced yesterday.
So, instead of obsessing over the number of steps, arm yourself with patience and go one by one the steps, as quickly as possible but always careful not to skip any. No hurry but relentlessly.
Patience is the most overlooked seduction. Many times, Sam should know to be patient, to assume that there are women who take time but it means you're doing something wrong. Do not obsess coming soon and fast to the top. If you see a step, upload not jump. Golden rule of sexual escalation.
Copy, no thanks.
For those who do not understand English well, in the video muscled boy is about the girls, put the shell like a phone and says "girls, the ocean has many voices. And I say: why do not you join this man so attractive to drink a Bud Light '. " The other boy repeated the same phrase, to know what result will have to watch the video.
Why copy does not work? Because the lure is to combine boldness and ingenuity. If you learn a text by heart are risking much less than improvising because if it fails the blame will not be yours but the author of the text. This reduced risk was subcommunities. But, mostly because there is less wit: that the same sentence seems ingenious depends on the understanding that say and feel what he says. If you're going to learn a routine will be done before the actors and question you as to what moves your character to say these phrases.
Seduction and fishing
Sport cane and catch a couple have similarities. Self-esteem, seduction and some conversation should be between the tools.
The art of fishing couples
"Then I discovered that the method is universal. The swagger - the rule of stress rather than adapt, to epitomize a lifestyle rather than following exciting that people are used - it seems to work in all cultures. Now he was officially condemned in a ridiculous dress for the rest of my single life. " Neil Strauss, Master the Method within 30 days.
The first thing to be said of peacocking, or swagger, or whatever you want to call it (or you have ordered you to call him) is that you should not start the cart before the horse. The day you have an exciting and inner game developed enough to do what they want without caring about the opinions of others, that day without being aware of how you dress flashy. Until then, if you intend to show the clothes that you're not (yet) the only thing you get is to open one day and find your closet full of clothes would you wear or not all the gold in the world.
The best way to dress up as someone attractive is to strive to have an attractive personality. On your personality is attractive, your clothing will reflect it. I said, do not confuse cause with effect, do not start the cart before the horse. Once this warning
explore the world of peacocking.
The vast majority of people dress like the other members of their group. They probably see the differences but for someone outside the group all dressed exactly alike, there is no way to distinguish one from another. This phenomenon is universal to all strata of society but is most evident in the upper class. Why? Because the dress like the other group members intend to reaffirm their belonging to the clan, and of course the more prestigious to be a more collective interest have their members to be recognized as such, or to pretend they are. "Where there is inbreeding, and circulating gregariousness wrong pheromones. The social psychology laws governing the behavior of groups, but the role to remove groups of people." With this statement as accurate Carmen Rigalt denounces the same as they are in dressing and acting politicians PP (main party of the English right), and how boring it is
With peacocking not intended to reveal the membership a group but excel in it. Means highlighting distinguished without being excluded from a collective. To reach this level it is not so much what you do but what you stop doing. It is not deliberately seek stand out and excel but to resist the homogenizing pressures of social groups and maintain a free spirit. Reveal it is against social norms imposed on you how to dress. Dress as you like as a society will not impose.
Now, social norms do not need to say or how to dress or how to not dress. Many individuals use the clothes to reflect a situation of social maladjustment. Not members of any community recognize and seek the costume reflects this marginalization. These people decide their appearance depending on the other: if everyone dresses this way they dress in the opposite way. The peacocking not this, is to dress as a peacocking wants, according to his personality. Which means that sometimes you just stand apart from others and sometimes you will not seem so.
The good news is that you and Neil Strauss, you are obliged to dress like clowns the rest of your lives in a single, unless ye really well. Polish
inside, dirty outside.
"The value is created in private, but only projects from the extroversion. The value is a summary of benefit to me, mark, and adopt if I think I'll transfer you to you, dear consumer. Because this value -benefit appease and satisfy your needs, dreams, illusions, habits, ambitions, or that you wanted specific and for which I was conceived and designed. Shall we dance together?
From here, for this to happen they have to pop the hoods, exploit the pulpit, make flying streamers. You have to come out and say, preach, cry or whisper ... You have to take your mind to the limit to convince, and squeezing using seduction, argument or combination of both precise and accurate, something I like to define as "devastating cocktail." Because if you can not inoculate in the brains of the value of the difference, you mark dead. " Joaquín Lorente. Think, free.
An excellent text on a French book recommended. The first part establishes the parameters through which we refine our personality to be more attractive. The second reminds us that seduce often involves getting messy with mud to the top, work and strive for women perceive your value. Seduce is not something you ever get to the first or second.
Being afraid is the best way to fail.
"Cowards die many times before his death, the valiant never taste of death more than once: all the signs I've heard so far, the most surprising thing I think that men should fear, since death, so necessary, must come when you want to come " William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar.
Shakespeare's great. Applying this expression to show interest realized I did not dare to show interest was to die, and be rejected show was not dying, was being hurt. I do not dare to do something we want is a personal failure, a kind of death. But by showing interest and being rejected because you do not die or fail, though wounded, you are living according to your beliefs that makes you happy, the rejection is only a losing battle that does not prevent you keep fighting to win the war.
Fear of rejection is to fail as a person, the end of the game, death. Rejection is just a stumble, a wound bleed more or less but lets you live to return, sooner or later, the field of battle.
Cold War "issue of NLP?
"Putin is a man of intellect medium and the Soviet prototype. But it is very adaptable, it is like a mirror copy to your partner to think like you. Get with frightening efficiency, trace your expression, how when turning the neck, chin position, and even your facial expressions. I literally mimics. It does so well that you do not realize, and for a moment, you feel very comfortable. It is part of the training he received in the KGB "Elena Tegubova in Vanity Fair.
Sure you did not know that the KGB taught mirrorring its spies, or that the most powerful man in Russia continues today using these techniques. In The Method, Neil Strauss (Style) that between Jefri Ross students are members of the CIA. Do not know much about NLP, I can only say I hope that besides being useful for spying on your neighbor it is also to sleep with her.
From "Just Friends" a couple are entitled to everything.
Oh, I'm with you I'd like to get that artificial insemination, because you would be a good father "
and say ..." how? Or sikiera'll have the pleasure to fuck you and User Control together "
me and says ..." Oh is that you are a friend ... Your father to my children and say ...
"You take pretty nice ... no fuck you. Bone I kid you children and above na na sex? .. No way ... and I start to laugh "and is the aunt
... AND OFFEND!! Tuyyoyya, L ' Atelier
Some will say that this is a clear example of the selfishness of women when it comes to their relationships with men. In fact, what is exemplified by the selfishness of humans, since men and women tend to get angry with that gives us something that we on our own and without any foundation, we were convinced we were going to give away.
Reading it I thought I would have said "I am convinced that you would be a wonderful mother. Now, would not have a child with a woman who was not in love. I think a bitch to grow to a child where there is love, friendship."
shatter this sentence.
And I got to thinking that maybe to put an end to a status of "just friends" the first thing is to make a reframed (English reframe) to convince women that if you are just friends is because you want it. That is, women think that if I wanted to pass a sexual level with you it would be very complicated. Which I think is the first step and 90% of the road.
Love and intimidation.
"It's almost impossible for a woman irritates a real man, and that no man despise women entirely or completely rejects" Isak Dinesen, Out of Africa.
This phrase sums up the philosophy of Perrion Zan: Do not be intimidated by women and love them.
intimidated not mean losing control of our actions, not be reactive but proactive. Women continuously, consciously or unconsciously, perform acts that we decenter putting on the defensive. Control this reaction, cancel is an essential part of the game of seduction. For a seductive
all women are his girl. Zan's phrase and collects Perrion a seductive trait that stands out enough: the nobility. Made false discuss topics someone should remove the idea that in love and war anything goes. Just as there are international conventions to ensure they do not violate the minimum ethics of war, in the seduction there are parameters that can not be overcome. And within these limits is not just a matter of altruism but it largely depends on your chances of success. Watch as Bush has done to torture ...
As many of you know I guess I went into this underworld of Hand Method (The Game), what few know is that as I read a song with me permanently. The other day when I heard that song and I realized that I never post here, which is a great injustice because if there's a song that will always be linked to my time in the so-called seduction community that song is not another Resurrection of Amaral. I leave her.
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