This post is a compilation of some of the answers I gave in previous post comments. I do it so they can read those not used to seeing the comments and, above all, because there were so many comments that it was getting uncomfortable to handle.
For everything else I take my retirement. This is not a new post but just a rehash.
I chose the post not so much interesting question, but by the correctness of the answer, if someone does not see your question will not be offended, it's nothing personal.
The questions are altered but the answers are almost the same, only I have removed references to specific individuals and in some case, I gathered several responses.
The risk is not risky.
The phrase "how risky is to risk" means there adopt risky strategies, not strategies have to be dispensed. So Guardiola, who is the author of the phrase not I play with three forwards, not eight. Beware the shade.
Why try if only a few will make it to be seductive?
There are two kinds of men who, when they discover that few will succeed decide to put the maximum effort for them one of the few who succeed and those who give up because they are not worth trying anything that is not 100% guaranteed. Is individual choice, I have very clear what is mine and you?
How do you know what to do in each situation?, Why you've already lived? or why have a very solid inside game and every situation you do not be reactive?
is a mixture of both. Experience (ie learning from my many failures) and inner game to keep calm in each case and make the decision that you consider most appropriate. Since then it has not been reached with 600-page book filled with special solutions for specific cases but general principles and courage to apply to every case. How
impose your part to these beautiful women do not, incredibly beautiful, used to being surrounded by men who always get their way.
In such cases it is not done but NOT to do.
Standing in front of a very attractive woman makes us think we have to do something to be perceived as attractive. That "something" can be a demonstration of courage that impresses or a sign that we are not impressed by their tactics, which basically consists of mixed signals and flirting insane.
In both cases it is a bad strategy. What you have to do is control your emotions, not let it affect you their tricks and continue business as usual. This kind of women can only leave believed to act as one when they realize that you are immune to his tricks. Ie that you wear or wagging his tail when the girl ignores you when you ignore or bark.
So instead of looking how to cancel your ego seeks how to build a genuine connection with her.
must be proactive and escape of his tricks: show only when she has shown interest in your personality and your interest is genuine. Escape of false signals. Post
interest on the subject: play-without-the-balon.html
handsome man ... Is it always bad in bed?
a phrase by Carrie-Sex and the City, in Spain Sex and the City, which reads "Men Who are good looking too good in bed Are Never Because They Never Had to be" can be translated as "the very handsome men are never good in bed because they have no need of it. "
The moral of the story is that men are not attractive, or at least not feel as such, at the time of sex are very much concerned that women are aware that they have few points in its favor and who can not afford more failures. It is as if to say: I can be a failure in many respects, but I'm in bed most.
contrast handsome man is more focused on enjoying it and, of course, it makes you resent the pleasure of women.
my view is more a matter of narcissism that beauty. Obvious that an attractive man is more prone to narcissism that a really ugly but not generalize: not all handsome are jerks.
laziness also has a role in this story.
My experience is that if I'm motivated are good, much better than average. But I will not lie, there are times when no curro me a lot because the girl does not thrill me much. I am not of those who do harm to women who do not like but I am afraid I am of those that does always provides a good evening of sex. It's like a football team already has won everything, difficult to find motivation for certain games.
Ya, and the beautiful women "are also always bad in bed?
It is true that women in bed rarely take the initiative. Not just in sex but in general all that relates to relationships between men and women, they always take a passive role. This is accentuated in women attractive because they carry from 14 years to receive attention from men without doing anything. The key is to reassure the woman that you will not think badly of it if you decide to take some initiative. Many women have fear of appearing too expert in bed apparently not whores.
The value of the theory.
In discussing the value of theory is a question that we must never forget: the so-called seduction community is really a business, a business that sells theory and, like any other business, try to sell you more than you need.
So yes, the theory is important but do not need much theory as you sell.
seduction theory gives a minimum which allows you to do the ridiculous with a woman and not be immediately deleted, or get into a dead-zone just friends. On that basis it will be with the women learn to seduce.
to be seductive is not reached thousands attending conferences for 13 hours by many beautiful women who carry these events. In seminars like these you learn the minimum for a woman will speak to you and then when you're in front of a woman learn everything you need to know about women. Not that women are the best teachers of seduction, is that they are the only ones who can teach you something. All these articles, books and seminars are only a prologue.
The theory has a lot of placebo effect. In football coaches know that the younger players need to talk tactics much longer than the veterans. It's not just a matter of a veteran player already knows the answers but he knows that such talk is not going to help much on the pitch where you will come to improvise and take risks. The young player not yet accustomed to such improvisation and believes that if the parties risk a lot is because he does something wrong. The talk is only for the novice player will not come down, exit the game and start making mistakes after mistakes.
architecture ensures that the building will not fall, is the starting point. But then you have to add something more, something that does not appear in the books of architecture for building is a work of art like the Sagrada Familia and not a nondescript apartment building as the front of your house.
Theory can stop you from being a Noob, but not make you a seducer. (Or, in terms Sex Code, the theory will cease to be a frusco but will not make you an adventure) seductive When you arrive at connecting with women, risking, failing, triumphing, fucking and being rejected. Are women no hormones instructors who will teach you the way to level seductive.
I leave this sentence of Charles Boyer-film critic for El Pais. When asked what is the best quote from a movie to win a girl? replied: "May she never know she came from a movie, it sounds natural and original. Anyway, what do you oil if it is to seduce a woman with a sentence of another."
That's it. You have to be natural and original. And if you have to link the phrase to go to another ... you have oil. Zan Video
is not a complete translation but a summary of the video.
Women have been my mentors, who taught me everything I know.
It's something that neither I nor any natural born but learned at any given time. They learned by practice, by trying and being rejected.
Certainly there are men who have something that no other women to get but that something is not your looks, money or power. What women find very attractive is the way that some men move through life, their attitude towards life.
Many men think to do something to conquer a woman to enter space. On the contrary there are men who act naturally to her, from the comfort (the video does not develop this idea)
Stereotypes are very popular but I just do not convince me. Often isolated from one case to generalize to understand in cases like him ... but not equal.
The stereotypes are well-to guide, to discover new possibilities, alternatives and strategies. But you have to be taken with caution. Are standardized solutions, that is, made on the basis of common features that maximize return for ignoring the small differences, small differences can be decisive towards the outcome. A second will appear soon? Ask a corridor 100 meters if a second is a long time.
The appearance of a woman can tell a lot about how to deal with seduction but you have to be flexible enough to adapt to the real woman before you. Stereotypes are useful if you are able to rectify in motion, because one thing that I have clear: if you're wrong to stereotype and not put things right in time you are finished. Any recommendations
"It was a good staff officer but the same virtues in that endeavor, thoroughness, detail, logic, order, modesty, respect all the orders, they did catastrophic in front of a field army in battle, his lack of decisiveness, boldness, charisma, courage and character in short, was lethal for the Sixth Army. "
The moral of the paragraph Jacinto Anton is that there are men who are great but terrible field assistants leaders. They are excellent employees because they have great knowledge on the subject but they are lousy when they are in control because they lack character and do not know function in the real world.
With seduction is the same. There are people who are or will be great helpers seductive. Have read many books on seduction-even one written-but never pass the level "seductive loose" for lack of character.
What is character? Having
character is to have the four qualities mentioned by Jacinto Antón, decision, courage, daring and charisma.
Making decisions is easy when you know the right answer. Moreover, is a true pleasure. The difficult thing is to make a decision when all are doubts and uncertainties. In this case everyone leaving the brown hides the head "that something is."
However, in these moments of doubt, uncertainty and turbulence is where it shows who has the decision.
seduce When you have to be very clear that decision making is something inescapable. You have to adopt a strategy and analysis at every moment that best suits your purpose to seduce the girl. On this basis there is a basic rule: the worst is not to decide, to be carried away by events. Better a bad decision, a failure of your strategy that does not decide, go with the situation.
Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the French Republic and consummate seducer of the masses and women, says "We are truly faithful to ourselves when we go forward. In my opinion, refusing to action is a form of regression. The nostalgia is a reaction rarely experiment. dare, undertake, try, to imagine is already done. And finally, I think essentially the virtues of the action. I do not doubt myself over 'in principle' that never materializes. "
Therefore, as you have to decide inexcusably and not always going to be clear what the best option is imperative that you get used to trust your gut, to decide on the basis of your feelings when you can not decisions with full conviction. If you can not decide in the brain have to decide with your nose.
The vast majority of decisions you make before a woman can not be based on certainties but on intuition. Go get used to the important thing is not successful, is to decide.
And then if we have to correct, is rectified. But correcting always moving. Remember the next time you doubt if ...
Courage and boldness.
are the courage and audacity, the same thing. The truth is that not qualify it worth the difference? I certainly do not. So treat them together. CITED
itself is a major vanity samples that can be incur. But trying to rewrite a text is a self-torture of Iranian Ayatollah. I remember commenting that if Tom Wolfe took 10 years to write A Man was, among other reasons, because they realized that some of the chapters more he resisted were versions of fragments of The Bonfire of the Vanities . Normal that would stick.
So I, to avoid traffic jams and even risky to call me selfish, the end of the day this article is about character, I will copy a paragraph from The formula for success which he spoke of courage.
If not for the referee would be the champion Hurricane Argentina Clausura (in case I is reading a fan of Velez say that that is what the chronicles published in Spain, I have not seen the match so if you liked my comment I invite you to give me his version of the facts before entering disqualifications). The Argentines will know better than me but the Hurricane is fighting to win a title is something seldom seen in its 100 year history, namely 100 years and a couple of months, so it is worth paying attention to the philosophy that has led him to be moral champion Argentina (Velez fans are going to end up killing me, and some of San Lorenzo may also). In this interview
Angel Cappa, current coach of Hurricane and an old English football reels off his philosophy. Article highlight this phrase to be fully applicable to the seduction and why I like so little certain methods of seduction.
"First, in the modern game, and also in Argentina, the first thing the player is robbed of the pleasure of playing. They take courage. So do not play. It plays a role that ends up being painful for try to win points. The player tries to make sure. And soccer involves risk. You have to train to run that risk and take the risk of playing. The first thing put as a rule is that dare to play. You have to enjoy the game, that allows the player to pay more. "Angel Cappa
The truth is that the phrase is quite clear and does not need much explanation.
The great truth of many methods of seduction is to eliminate the courage, which is an advantage because we know how much it can cost a woman showing interest, but with the courage to take the fun. No doubt when these methods effective (although some should not work because if the author would not change method a book to another is not it?) but it's so boring you have to be very desperate to follow them.
I propose that instead of looking structures and dynamics that override the courage you get used to danger, to leave to see the risk as your enemy but as the possibility of doing what you do, and fun way above. Courage is the main element of seduction, look no annulled. As Pep Guardiola says "The risk is not risky." What should scare you is precisely not to be afraid.
guess some will say that these structured methods are more boring but much more effective. I disagree. When Valdano and trained to Real Madrid Cappa opted for the method "in doubt courage" and called for an offensive style 100% and the team not only won the league, reached mythical thrashings (5-0 to Barca) but also broke the mark of minutes without conceding a goal. Mark 14 years later still not overcome.
the end if you have fun, if you enjoy what you do and fight for your dreams are good.
Given the difficulty the only weapon that has a seductive is the word.
Words can hide, lie or entertain. But it also serves to argue, explain and entertain. There are words that produce results that change the reality.
Charisma is that, knowing when to adapt your speech to make it capable of transforming reality. Knowing how to find the words that move when they have to move or relax when they to relax.
What distinguishes a seducer of an ordinary person is that is "his words. You can not change his nature, be higher or put more money in your checking account. But you can change the perception that women have it through words.
results do not always get the first, many not the second. Winning in such cases is not just a matter of emphasis but also to learn to adapt to circumstances and change them with your speech.
How is that?
First, be aware that not just talk. It should be borne in mind that the words produce a certain result and pay attention to that is the desired result. When you go to open your mouth, stop a second, remember the result you want and then begins to talk.
Second, expanding your records. Do you always talk the same? You must learn to adapt your speech to each situation and to be able to do this you have to learn from the great communicators. The players watch videos of their idols and are inspired by them. Do the same, go to the best literature and see how the authors know how to change their way of expression according to each time.
Third, get out. Right now you do not know what to improve. You've never paid attention to the variety in your repertoire. Just get to know where failures out on the streets and dealing with women, and just know you have exceeded your weakness when you check in the street. Remember, it's about being a good on the battlefield, not on a map.
As you know those who read the most fun part of this blog-the comments-with this post I open a parenthesis to take a break.
I just fell in my hands a very interesting project and I will be impossible to align it with the blog so I am forced to let a season.
I can not give details, but not cast aside that has to do with seduction. Neither bear for sure.
A hug and thanks for your support. One of the things I've learned all this time is that the so-called seduction community is continually regenerating its members. Every day someone new comes in and someone is fired, it makes me think that I will be witnessing one of these lines but also many I'm not going to ever see again. So I just wish you the best, I hope I helped even a little to achieve your dreams. For me it was a pleasure to share this time with you.
The other day I had a very interesting talk with one of the few people in Spain really know about Formula 1 (no mistake before we saw Alonso this four cats). We talked about the failure to replace Ferrari with Felipe Massa Luca Badoer Marc Gené instead. What went through your head Stefano Domenicali? He told me a telemetry determinants were throwing a favorable result against the English Badoer. But those were trap telemetry: they referred to two specific circuits was well aware Badoer, outside of those tracks Badoer results were as bad as we noted at Valencia and Spa.
The conclusion drawn from this story is that a driver gets better the more you know the circuit where you drive. This theory applies to the allure: the better you know your city better seducer be.
The power of seduction of men and women depends not only on what they are or what they do but also where they do. A textbook example: a woman (and man) are greatly increased its appeal for the simple fact of being behind a bar. Not very logical but it is incontestable.
As it is time to worry about where.
The scenario of a meeting is of great significance to determine the outcome. It's not just that there are scenarios where it is impossible to fall surrendered and others that love is impossible, it is also woman when a man is not only hopes to meet an attractive man, also waiting to take you to a great site.
The place you choose for an appointment is very important.
can be a master of romance, but your words will not get anywhere walking through a landfill. In contrast, a couple of topics can be master in the midst of an evening stroll by an Egyptian temple (twist of fate, in the middle of Madrid is the Temple of Debod , a gift from the Egyptian Government, the current government, not the of Pharaohs-)
Similarly, a cafeteria alternative environment to fund a library you will be presented as a deep person immediately, no need to table a book of Bukowski-something that would be very forced and not work. Of course this cafe also exists: The double armed bandit, street Apodaca 3.
Your environment is a reflection of who you are. If you are a modern person to lead a woman to trendy restaurants, if you are adventurous take her to unusual places, if you are romantic meet the most magical places in the parks, and so forth.
Get everything that involves having a thorough knowledge deep in your city. Meet hundreds of sites to find out which one best fits each time.
How do you know your city? Would you know how chic tell me three restaurants, three cafes and three bars trenddy cool in your city? Although both anglicized seems we are talking New York.
right? Then get going because it is a deficiency that should be covered. As a seducer you must have a thorough knowledge of cafes, bars, restaurants, parks, exhibitions, tours, shopping, entertainment and getaways.
To achieve this will be very useful entertainment guides. In Spain, on Friday virtually every major newspaper supplements offer really interesting. And if you read the entire newspaper better, as you could see my blog is stuffed full of quotations from newspaper articles, without going further east. You ink stains fingers but it's worth the experience.
Oh, and this does not require much money. Go to the fashionable restaurant the city is not for everyone, but a coffee and a walk in the park itself. Then there know how to move, such as restaurant Bazaar, apart from being the site where the video was shot I put "is a great value for money because apprentice chefs working there. Wise up man, not just stand, that more expensive is a drink in a nightclub or nonsense cathode proposed that certain characters in the name of peacocking, forgiveness swagger. (Takes stick!)
often speaks of the seductive and men with an agenda full of numbers of women who call. It's a bit peliculero, actually he has a seductive is a full schedule of events, plans to do. That is the real agenda, Sam, get yours.
Vanesa Romero in his time of 40 TV. One of the biggest attractions of going to the studies of Sogecable (Canal +) was able to bump into her in the halls. I never had the pleasure. By the way this picture came out in the report to shareholders for 2003, page 35. I had nothing to do with it.
Theirs would be to Video killed the radio stars, the Bangles. But I'll stick with The Planets and Nightmare in the Amusement Park.
Enric González says that a Big Brother contestant is not what you want but have more value for money. Want to get paid for who they are and to recognize on the street for being what it is and not what he does.
comes to this story that I heard Core Sex Code wants to go to Big Brother (Telecinco). No wonder, since that time I have watched Sex Code want to be famous. But stars in the sense of acquaintance by samples of science and talent but famous in the sense of person who goes on TV without being aware of other merit. Something more like that cheesy famosillos Beautiful People. The worst thing is they are not alone.
Beyond them, I did not put me in this crazy world. From when I worked with Canal + (English pay main chain) remember that we said "on pay TV do not deal well with people, but at least try not evil" A great truth. Big Brother-type programs are based on participants (I refuse to call them competitors) are willing to do anything to get on TV and, consequently, the chains will do all kinds of dirty tricks to squeeze the profitability of the minutes they are displayed. Before the summer Sex Code complained bitterly about being the victim of a "unpresentable manipulation" by a program. Then I said that I thought were naive, and what you see, still do not understand very well how the television business. Programs like Big Brother are recorded in handling the depths of his nature, if one believes that you are giving away a few minutes of advertising is very wrong. Big Brother gives nothing, you who will give away all your dignity.
The problem is that the transferred discredit the field of Sex Code and affects the entire seduction community call. In that case I would worry because there are people dedicated to the issue seriously and not as a way to be the cover of the magazine soon.
Indeed, Canal + League football is a string, not on pickups. Seductive looking for easy money, do not command them a video. going But what really interests us, that core and make famosillos Mario Moon has raised the debate of whether it hurts us or not, ie there is a risk that women know our techniques and stop working.
The first is that I doubt very much that women continue to interest me Big Brother, but if I'm wrong or if you if you're interested in these women say that there is no danger.
School natural, which owns this blog, said that seduction is based on attitudes, not technical. So there is nothing to fear from the spread some techniques because the important thing is always the attitude below. And believe me, women are not going to change their preferences on the TV to hear a guy say that women like men adventurous, intelligent and humorous. We have nothing to lose.
All this reminds me what you think about revealing Ferran Adrià recipes. Adrià, who is considered the best chef in the world, has no qualms about revealing their recipes, even while still in the letter. It does so because he knows he makes his restaurant number 1 are the recipes that has in a letter but the attitude of the team that has developed. He does not mind spreading their prescriptions because the important thing is the ability to develop these recipes. The recipes of 2009 did not serve to stay the best in 2010, but produced the letter from 2010 with the same attitude in 2009 will continue on Olympus.
With seduction is the same. What Sex Code is dedicated to reveal their tricks for all realities? Who cares! The important thing is the attitude, lifestyle and personality. And I assure you that women's preferences in this regard will not change for many frikadas do in Sex Code. Rest assured, your reputation will be on the floor but you will still be a great seducer.
Gisele Bündchen reading The Personality of Man, George Nugent Merle Tyrrell
advantage that the holidays are a time given to the readings I offer a series of key events discussed in seduction. The summer reading title, although he himself would speak of refried August because most of the texts are discards that have done these last months of issues that I seemed to have the consistency to hold an item for themselves but also deserved to end up in the trash.
Patience, the secret ingredient of sexual escalation. "In the club no steps but patience. You can not skip steps, but the evolution of the players themselves make" José Ramón Alexanco, Grassroots Director of FC Barcelona.
seduce is a stairway in which you control the number of steps, it depends on the woman and the context. Is not the same woman a libertine puritan or a woman who has spent months without sex with one that he practiced yesterday.
So, instead of obsessing over the number of steps, arm yourself with patience and go one by one the steps, as quickly as possible but always careful not to skip any. No hurry but relentlessly.
Patience is the most overlooked seduction. Many times, Sam should know to be patient, to assume that there are women who take time but it means you're doing something wrong. Do not obsess coming soon and fast to the top. If you see a step, upload not jump. Golden rule of sexual escalation.
Copy, no thanks. For those who do not understand English well, in the video muscled boy is about the girls, put the shell like a phone and says "girls, the ocean has many voices. And I say: why do not you join this man so attractive to drink a Bud Light '. " The other boy repeated the same phrase, to know what result will have to watch the video.
Why copy does not work? Because the lure is to combine boldness and ingenuity. If you learn a text by heart are risking much less than improvising because if it fails the blame will not be yours but the author of the text. This reduced risk was subcommunities. But, mostly because there is less wit: that the same sentence seems ingenious depends on the understanding that say and feel what he says. If you're going to learn a routine will be done before the actors and question you as to what moves your character to say these phrases.
Seduction and fishing Sport cane and catch a couple have similarities. Self-esteem, seduction and some conversation should be between the tools.
peacocking. "Then I discovered that the method is universal. The swagger - the rule of stress rather than adapt, to epitomize a lifestyle rather than following exciting that people are used - it seems to work in all cultures. Now he was officially condemned in a ridiculous dress for the rest of my single life. " Neil Strauss, Master the Method within 30 days.
The first thing to be said of peacocking, or swagger, or whatever you want to call it (or you have ordered you to call him) is that you should not start the cart before the horse. The day you have an exciting and inner game developed enough to do what they want without caring about the opinions of others, that day without being aware of how you dress flashy. Until then, if you intend to show the clothes that you're not (yet) the only thing you get is to open one day and find your closet full of clothes would you wear or not all the gold in the world.
The best way to dress up as someone attractive is to strive to have an attractive personality. On your personality is attractive, your clothing will reflect it. I said, do not confuse cause with effect, do not start the cart before the horse. Once this warning
explore the world of peacocking.
The vast majority of people dress like the other members of their group. They probably see the differences but for someone outside the group all dressed exactly alike, there is no way to distinguish one from another. This phenomenon is universal to all strata of society but is most evident in the upper class. Why? Because the dress like the other group members intend to reaffirm their belonging to the clan, and of course the more prestigious to be a more collective interest have their members to be recognized as such, or to pretend they are. "Where there is inbreeding, and circulating gregariousness wrong pheromones. The social psychology laws governing the behavior of groups, but the role to remove groups of people." With this statement as accurate Carmen Rigalt denounces the same as they are in dressing and acting politicians PP (main party of the English right), and how boring it is
With peacocking not intended to reveal the membership a group but excel in it. Means highlighting distinguished without being excluded from a collective. To reach this level it is not so much what you do but what you stop doing. It is not deliberately seek stand out and excel but to resist the homogenizing pressures of social groups and maintain a free spirit. Reveal it is against social norms imposed on you how to dress. Dress as you like as a society will not impose.
Now, social norms do not need to say or how to dress or how to not dress. Many individuals use the clothes to reflect a situation of social maladjustment. Not members of any community recognize and seek the costume reflects this marginalization. These people decide their appearance depending on the other: if everyone dresses this way they dress in the opposite way. The peacocking not this, is to dress as a peacocking wants, according to his personality. Which means that sometimes you just stand apart from others and sometimes you will not seem so.
The good news is that you and Neil Strauss, you are obliged to dress like clowns the rest of your lives in a single, unless ye really well. Polish
inside, dirty outside. "The value is created in private, but only projects from the extroversion. The value is a summary of benefit to me, mark, and adopt if I think I'll transfer you to you, dear consumer. Because this value -benefit appease and satisfy your needs, dreams, illusions, habits, ambitions, or that you wanted specific and for which I was conceived and designed. Shall we dance together? From here, for this to happen they have to pop the hoods, exploit the pulpit, make flying streamers. You have to come out and say, preach, cry or whisper ... You have to take your mind to the limit to convince, and squeezing using seduction, argument or combination of both precise and accurate, something I like to define as "devastating cocktail." Because if you can not inoculate in the brains of the value of the difference, you mark dead. " Joaquín Lorente. Think, free.
An excellent text on a French book recommended. The first part establishes the parameters through which we refine our personality to be more attractive. The second reminds us that seduce often involves getting messy with mud to the top, work and strive for women perceive your value. Seduce is not something you ever get to the first or second.
Being afraid is the best way to fail. "Cowards die many times before his death, the valiant never taste of death more than once: all the signs I've heard so far, the most surprising thing I think that men should fear, since death, so necessary, must come when you want to come " William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar.
Shakespeare's great. Applying this expression to show interest realized I did not dare to show interest was to die, and be rejected show was not dying, was being hurt. I do not dare to do something we want is a personal failure, a kind of death. But by showing interest and being rejected because you do not die or fail, though wounded, you are living according to your beliefs that makes you happy, the rejection is only a losing battle that does not prevent you keep fighting to win the war.
Fear of rejection is to fail as a person, the end of the game, death. Rejection is just a stumble, a wound bleed more or less but lets you live to return, sooner or later, the field of battle.
Cold War "issue of NLP? "Putin is a man of intellect medium and the Soviet prototype. But it is very adaptable, it is like a mirror copy to your partner to think like you. Get with frightening efficiency, trace your expression, how when turning the neck, chin position, and even your facial expressions. I literally mimics. It does so well that you do not realize, and for a moment, you feel very comfortable. It is part of the training he received in the KGB "Elena Tegubova in Vanity Fair.
Sure you did not know that the KGB taught mirrorring its spies, or that the most powerful man in Russia continues today using these techniques. In The Method, Neil Strauss (Style) that between Jefri Ross students are members of the CIA. Do not know much about NLP, I can only say I hope that besides being useful for spying on your neighbor it is also to sleep with her.
From "Just Friends" a couple are entitled to everything. Oh, I'm with you I'd like to get that artificial insemination, because you would be a good father "
and say ..." how? Or sikiera'll have the pleasure to fuck you and User Control together "
me and says ..." Oh is that you are a friend ... Your father to my children and say ...
"You take pretty nice ... no fuck you. Bone I kid you children and above na na sex? .. No way ... and I start to laugh "and is the aunt ... AND OFFEND!! Tuyyoyya, L ' Atelier
Some will say that this is a clear example of the selfishness of women when it comes to their relationships with men. In fact, what is exemplified by the selfishness of humans, since men and women tend to get angry with that gives us something that we on our own and without any foundation, we were convinced we were going to give away.
Reading it I thought I would have said "I am convinced that you would be a wonderful mother. Now, would not have a child with a woman who was not in love. I think a bitch to grow to a child where there is love, friendship."
shatter this sentence.
And I got to thinking that maybe to put an end to a status of "just friends" the first thing is to make a reframed (English reframe) to convince women that if you are just friends is because you want it. That is, women think that if I wanted to pass a sexual level with you it would be very complicated. Which I think is the first step and 90% of the road.
Love and intimidation. "It's almost impossible for a woman irritates a real man, and that no man despise women entirely or completely rejects" Isak Dinesen, Out of Africa.
This phrase sums up the philosophy of Perrion Zan: Do not be intimidated by women and love them.
intimidated not mean losing control of our actions, not be reactive but proactive. Women continuously, consciously or unconsciously, perform acts that we decenter putting on the defensive. Control this reaction, cancel is an essential part of the game of seduction. For a seductive
all women are his girl. Zan's phrase and collects Perrion a seductive trait that stands out enough: the nobility. Made false discuss topics someone should remove the idea that in love and war anything goes. Just as there are international conventions to ensure they do not violate the minimum ethics of war, in the seduction there are parameters that can not be overcome. And within these limits is not just a matter of altruism but it largely depends on your chances of success. Watch as Bush has done to torture ...
As many of you know I guess I went into this underworld of Hand Method (The Game), what few know is that as I read a song with me permanently. The other day when I heard that song and I realized that I never post here, which is a great injustice because if there's a song that will always be linked to my time in the so-called seduction community that song is not another Resurrection of Amaral. I leave her.
me informed via email that Jefri Ross will give a seminar in Barcelona on August 28 . Also planned is the presence of Mario Luna and Dream. As I guess Jefri already know that Ross is considered the father of the seduction community has always been books about how to flirt but not until he created a community that is serious and committed to improving social skills. Without it, neither would be here. The price is € 35 , which is nothing compared to what it normally charges $ 1600. More information on NCB Jefri Lair Ross (In principle the reservations made by email, BCN Lair has changed the system, this link encontraéis information on how to book and pay for).
This is a video of Ross Jefri action
This is the last post-season. I'm going on vacation and take the opportunity to get away from this world. Like a tight relationship that need to take a break and see things in perspective.
As a farewell video I put Miike Animal Snow.
wanted to finish the season with a post describing the seducer, to explain what are the traits and attitudes of the man who was carrying the girls. Many times I have asked how to generate attraction and I replied that is a more attitudes that routine, now intend to develop this idea. For this I was flipping through a couple of books until I found the enumeration Badboy makes a seductive qualities. It seemed like a good list as I have not resisted the temptation to copy or comment. Security
and not be desperate. Stop being safe when you think you have to do something to be perceived as someone attractive, that parts of a position not to appeal and you have to do something to reverse it.
're a desperate when you do something purely for fear that the girl rejects you, when you vary your behavior just because she is allowing something that is not attractive tolerate a woman who does not attract you.
This is a key principle, if you have known a little explanation I refer you to post Playing without the ball.
knows what he wants. Perhaps this is what most attract a woman. I recently heard a woman say that a man sexy is a man with goals and a plan to achieve them. One of the secrets of success from the bad guys is that they know what they want from the woman, fuck her, period. They are also willing to try it without caring what you may think it. The great seducers not only know what they want from women, but life in general. Unlike a bad boy does not despise consider future but to till the ground that can greatly benefit. Not only are willing to try sex with women without caring what people think of it but they will fight for your dreams without stepping on what to say. A seducer is someone with goals in life and a firm conviction to give it all if necessary to achieve them.
Adventurer and rebellious. adventurous spirit does not mean you have to throw yourself off a bridge every day or to cross the Sahara a few times a month. Be adventurous life means facing a challenge, see the obstacles as a challenge and not as an inconvenience. An adventurous person is a person willing to take risks, a person so that the danger is not a reason to stop fighting for their goals. Remember when you encounter obstacles, but do not lament enfócalos as a challenge, as the ability to test you and test your skills. One danger is not a con but a point in your favor.
Rebellion Rebellion is the Siamese twin of the adventure. If adventure is fighting for your goals, rebellion is fighting for them without influence you for the opinions of others. As Steve Jobs, a pretty rebellious and iconoclastic, "Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big decisions of my life. Because almost all expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure is away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remember that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. "
Under control. Having control of a situation demands two things: the existence of a risk, and dominate the risk. If no risk can not speak of a controlled situation but a harmless situation. Earlier I said that being adventurous is to address the dangers and challenges, along with this line will tell you that when you see an obstacle on seduction rather than lament enfócalo from the perspective that you have the opportunity to prove you're a person able to control situations. Like a judo fighter who uses the momentum of the attack to overthrow you. Feel question is a golden opportunity to demonstrate your mastery of the situation. Instead of complaining, take it.
Sense of humor. have always said that if you get a woman you would have come a long way. Why? Because humor is one of the few qualities, perhaps the only, who gets excited and relax to a woman. A resourceful man, able to laugh and smile is starting a very exciting. But the relaxed mood and a woman who laughs with you is a quiet woman who has the time without worry. seduction for me is to convey feelings and those feelings are reduced to two: to stimulate and relax. With the humor got a two for one.
has good appearance, dress and smell good. Actually, what this means is you do not have the appearance of a socially maladjusted kind but your appearance reflect a certain status. Does not mean you have to be a fashion victim far but watch your external appearance enough that she did not give ashamed to be seen in public with you
Sexual . a sexual person is one who is comfortable showing interest and when you show interest. Many men do not know how to create sexual tension. The key is to gradually revealing your interest in it. Do not go from zero to sixty in one second, but go slowly becoming more explicit. Sexual escalation is not a process to be overcome as soon as possible, well done is one of those times when more can enjoy.
Interesting and unpredictable . Interesting. Want to be interesting? But speak, what you like. There are many gurus who say that there Day 2 to focus the interview not a job but as an opportunity to have a good time. I agree on everything but one thing why wait until day 2? My opinion is that from minute 1 of the first day go with the attitude of having fun. Add to this specialize in issues of concern to women generally and not able to be more interesting.
Unpredictable. The worst thing a woman can be is predictable, if you can be unpredictable against women will have at your feet. It is interesting switch forward, be a charm for an appointment and then a few days pass without a sign. In the case of you women should not take anything for granted.
Honest and brave. "Honored? But how to seduce not have to be a rascal? I'm not fond of bullfighting but I'm curious by nature so one day I asked an expert why envisten English bulls and those who had not seen in the U.S.. He replied that Spain also had tame bulls and the bulls were the result of genetic selection, as in U.S. the stallion was chosen for the quality of their meat in the bulls the stallion is chosen for his bravery. And here's the curious, I said that if a bull is brave is not only necessary to envista, having caste in the language of the experts, but is also noble. The nobility of a bull you define it as somewhat naively, that is, for a bull is suitable for the deals is not enough to attack but also must respect certain principles. This language football: out to win the game but never engages in foul play. If you lack the nobility, paradoxically, the bull is not only the bravest of the pack but becomes tame. The seducer is like a bull, is a man looking for sex with women but always noble manner, respecting women and without violating the rules of fair play seductive. If you want to be seductive to learn to be noble with women, you have to love them, respect them and not seek to cause them never damage. As Zan said Perrion must love women, fearless men who love women are loved by women.
Valiente. In seduction you can always do three things: how easy, how hard and difficult. The right thing is usually the very difficult, hence you have to be brave. Example: You're talking to a woman and intuit that's ready to be kissed. The easy thing is to wait and enhance the attraction. Error, you're acting like a coward and it kills the attraction. The challenge would be to ask the phone number, I slowly but surely. New error, you are still a coward. The attraction has created is very weak, it is Probably not even know who you are when you call. very difficult thing: kiss, maybe not but you said that you've passed the test. Remember that women say no to the feet. You have the feeling of having lost the battle but you won the war path. And if you let kiss her kid for nothing, you become a Don Juan.
wants a relationship with her. One of the great truths of the male-female relationships is that we want them sex and relationships.
A relationship does not mean you have to put a ring on his finger, just to clarify what women can expect from you. What women want is no more involved in a relationship prefer a stable relationship but do not mind settling for a one-night if they know in advance. They do not want, and will never accept, is to lie with a man believed to have a serious relationship to discover the next morning was a story of one night. As García Márquez says the only thing women are not going to tolerate is that they change the rules mid-game.
And most importantly, she cares and believes it is special. She matter means facing the dating game from the point of view that is a set of two. The seduction should be something beneficial for both, if you sleep with women but damage causes them something fails you as a seducer. Your success will not fool you, women really worth remain out of reach. For seduction progress is essential to demonstrate to women that you care and is not going to manipulate or harm. What is special
means that not only are interesting but you are interested. Not only will try to show an attractive personality but allow her to show her nature and appreciate it for what it is. Seduce is an essential part of the samples you fascinated by it, yes there you become weak, but that's not bad for you but strengthens your position with options like a man who has made his choice.
I typical current songs but today I make an exception and put a Facto Delafé and blue flowers. There are many reasons to make them an exception but only say the most important: I might like more.
this assumption: you have just been talking to a woman and you have not kissed. What was wrong? There are two hypotheses: a) you have not dared to kiss her, b) you dared to kiss her but she rejected you because you do not like you. Well, to avoid again you spend the first hypothesis is in charge of the clearance, they do not ever stumble on the second option deals with the outside game. So far okay? Well, today I intend to speak of a third option that you may not have kissed the girl, you're daring, that she likes you but he is afraid to kiss you.
Afraid to kiss me?
Exactly. We often talked of fears of a man over the seduction but never (or at least very rarely) it's fears. So much so that many men are unaware that a woman might feel frightened at the thought of sleeping with a man. Simplistically say that if a woman does not ride it a man is not willing. And sometimes but not always so. It's like a man in a nightclub, if he starts talking with a woman can be either because they feel attracted by it or by the opposite case: the girl likes them, he intimidated to the point where they dared to speak with it. Well
happens as women, they too are afraid of rejection. It's a different fear but fear the end. Arguably, both are afraid to give us the bedroom door in his face, the difference is that men have to beat us to the outside and women inside. A scare us who do not want to sleep with us, that we let into the bedroom. To them that after sex, we get up and go away, it appears that everything was a set up to sleep with her.
Women think so much before bed with a man. Typically many gurus here will unleash a lengthy tirade about important developments and implications for a woman to become pregnant and the risks taken to bed with you. It is true that. But in my opinion, outweigh the concerns of the century, ie all the bad experiences that women have suffered because of a man he came to a sexual level. For a woman it is very hard to be abandoned by a man lie with a man for a woman means today not so much the risk of pregnancy but the risk of being rejected. For a woman to be rejected by a man I have slept very hard, it feels like a disposable object. Think for a moment how you treat things disposable and the concept you have of them, can not be lower. Women love to feel sexy, well, rather, need to be known attractive. But rarely feel this way, always have doubts. If Gisele Bundchen is convinced that thousands of women are more beautiful than she and Megan Fox can not be seen on the screen because it looks ugly, imagine what it must pass through the minds of other women. Women are constantly questioning their beauty, suffer much from it and feel just objects throwaway is the last thing I want to feel.
For all this I think so much before sex. In some ways follow the doctrine of the Pope, the same way that the Vatican says the best way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases is sexual abstinence women conclude that the best way not to be rejected is sexual abstinence. A lack of emotional condoms the only way for a night of passion ends in a dawn of pain is abstinence (or reverse what do you now understand better why some women do not just tell you the moment you you're removing your pants?)
The motivation that leads to women not to sleep with a man who likes very similar to the reason that a man dare not enter a woman who attracts him. Just as you try to sleep with a woman means taking a risk that she may reject you for a woman to sleep with a man means running the risk of getting rejected. Add to that now that women are emotional creatures, and therefore their emotions are more intense than ours and have a very close approximation to what happens when a woman feels rejected.
Being as something quite obvious that women also suffer the evil of bullying in the seduction is surprising how little (or no) time on this issue. It is true that we speak of Rapport, connection, comfort, etc. but never assumes that seduction involves many risks for the woman (and I mean no pregnancy), and that this gives him great fear. In fact this article does not pretend to invent anything new because there are many ways to create a connection I just want to stress that the reason why the Report is so important is because you need to find a solution to fears of a woman.
The moral of this article is that when you forward with a woman not only worry about presenting yourself as an attractive man but also as a man attracted. Is a phrase from Wayne Elise "Juggler" I love: charm lies in being interesting and interested. It is simply having note that the woman may feel fear during the seduction, to remind themselves and seek remedies before it is too late. Obviously
put this in operation is difficult. Perhaps the most difficult of seduction because it is something that no magic words, you always have to improvise. To generate interest routines you can find some universal validity but to show your interest, there's little room for memoriones. Simply open a forum of seduction and compare the material offered to generate interest with which it seeks to show interest.
no magic phrases but there are parameters to eliminate these fears.
And the base is credibility. To show interest does not hurt the ability of a Neruda but neither need it, just a compliment when you say she feels that is truthful.
And the best way to be authentic is to be honest but I suspect that if you're reading these lines is because they need some more help to know your interest so espondré a basic outline of how to show interest. With this scheme does not intend to create a strategy guide you closed it so that when a woman in front of you recognize when you are and have the security to continue. It's no treasure map but a simple guide to avoid roads that you have to take a thousand rounds and stand at every gas station to ask how to get to your destination.
The natural history of interest passes through three stages that summarize with the phrase: I'm interested, I like, and appeals to me.
I'm interested in is as simple as listening to a woman. Many men when a woman does or says something interesting to interrupt them something interesting, or at least supposedly interesting. Do not, is not the time to be interesting but to be interested. Instead listen, let it develop the theme, makes it clear that you're enjoying what you say.
From here we immediately like it. If a woman want to go to develop a topic you have to make clear that interests you and you also like (the subject and by extension her, but for now the story) to humans in general and women in particular find it hard to talk about their things, their lives, how they are and what they do. So if you want a woman to feel comfortable talking about it not just have to let it clear that you care but also that it's okay, that their values \u200b\u200band principles have approved. Small things like really?, How interesting, I'd have been there or have always wanted to do that helps a lot because they make women feel good about yourself.
And lastly appeals to me. It's time to personalize the story was interesting and positive Now is the time to individualize. Highlight the values \u200b\u200bthat had the history, values \u200b\u200bthat you liked and made it concrete form. We must make the leap: the story is not what you like, now is it.
This whole story of overcoming the fears of women, to be interesting and interested and to be credible I called the keel for one simple reason. The keel is a triangular piece that goes in the bottom of the sail boats, keel, and plays an essential purpose: to navigate against the wind. A sailing boat with no keel could not sail with the wind in my face, the sailors would have to like centuries ago: get out the oars and rowing. The daggerboard is responsible for shipping sailing is possible, that man can sail whenever you want and whenever you decide no wind. Learn
showing interest is the keel of seduction, allowing you to overcome those headwinds are fears of a woman. Remember, the essence of seduction is not she cute but you see she looks pretty in the reflection of your eyes.
Arctic Monkeys - Crying Lightning. Arctic Monkeys well deserve that right out the first single from her third album sound at L'Atelier.
What is the formula for success with women?
for me is 15% theory, 35% to 50% instinct and courage.
The problem is that many methods for the lack of initiative and value information. Exhaustingly regulate everything that can happen before a woman and say you have all the answers here, you have nothing to fear and nothing to improvise. As
idea is not bad, the penalty is not broken.
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said that no one can step twice into the same river because although it is the same river waters now are different from yesterday and different from tomorrow, just as you You're still the same but are different from you were and you'll be different.
The reality is constantly changing, and not all women are equal and not all women are always the same, its character varies from person to person, time and place. Too many changes to make fixed rules. Being so it is impossible to formulate rules governing the seduction of a full and then claim to have universal validity.
A catalog that intends to make a phrase or particular technique to solve any obstacles that may appear on the seduction only be useful for those who wrote the catalog, before the woman who put him in that trouble and in that moment and place. The efficacy of these magic phrases that will decline as you change items to the equation.
Instead I am in favor of general criteria have the advantage of being universal, but the disadvantage that they are abstract. Valid for all men and women, but require payment of the toll of having to adapt to every woman and context. I said before that the theory is only 15% of the formula for success, 85% is able to adapt the abstract principle to that particular woman and in that moment ..
not seek to learn techniques or phrases, find out the attitudes of success, why at that point, the person and address that woman worked that phrase. As the Chinese proverb: it is not give you fish, but to learn to fish.
animals hunt by instinct. Wolf Mom and Dad do not bring their cubs to a school to learn to hunt but it is something they learn by themselves by watching their parents.
But the rules change with the animals born in captivity do not know how to hunt for themselves (they never have and have never seen their parents hunt for food is something they literally fell from heaven). That means that an animal born in captivity die if released from starvation by not having the foggiest idea how to hunt. Biologists know today, before releasing an animal subjected to hunting and survival courses. These courses are not theoretical style that is a sheep, eat and this stone, do not eat "but rather to awaken the animal your hunting instinct by losing the fear of creatures that would be potential victims, that gradually become more familiar with the dynamics of the game up to become a predator.
happens to you something. You should have learned to link yourself but it did not and why it does not matter now, what matters is that you learn to seduce. Ysi want to learn how to seduce you'll have to learn to let your sense of smell, intuition, pragmatism, and so on. and guide seduction. In short: you awaken your instinct is seductive, but instinct that you are sleepy. Just as an animal born in captivity are not taught to hunt, but it releases its hunting instinct you can not teach you to seduce but you can release your seductive flair.
The instinct is usually associated with a kind of sixth sense that alerts you to the presence or absence of hazards by nuances that are beyond the conscious mind. It is a kind of intellectual smell. The problem comes when the methods of seduction this smell replaced by a sort of artificial respiration in the form of filters, structures, studies, analysis, dynamics, etc. The made for the instinct is the kingdom of the doubt. The instinct is always doubtful, if we see something clearly then it is instinct. Instinct is a suspicion, a feeling that the thing seems to be going well or going wrong, you're not entirely sure but you sense that things are well. The wicked seduction methods which offer you to replace this uncertainty about the safety of an enclosed structure. Again the same: the idea is not bad, the penalty is not broken.
Instinct is not clear because it relies on little nuances that by its very nature is not clearly perceived hue. Cancel this uncertainty is only possible by attacking the root of the doubt: the nuances. All these methods override the uncertainty closed ignoring the nuances, so many people applying these ideas so ridiculous acts of insulting to women when it comes to extol or exalt something when you have to reproach.
theory with their structures are very well to awaken your instinct to pay attention to nuances that once ignored or even know existed but it can not replace your instinct information. You have to assume that at least 35% of the seduction is instinctively able to see the nuances of each person and adapt to them. Therefore it is very important to practice because your gut will not wake up with theory but practice. Close your books open women.
If not for the referee Hurricane would be the champion of Argentine Clausura (in case I is reading a fan of Velez say that that is what the chronicles published in Spain, I have not seen the match so if you you liked my comment I invite you to give me his version of events before entering disqualifications). The Argentines will know better than me but the Hurricane is fighting to win a title is something seldom seen in its 100 years of history (specifically 100 years and a couple of months) so it is worth paying attention to the philosophy that has led him to be moral champion Argentina (Velez fans are going to end up killing me, and some of San Lorenzo may also). In this interview
Angel Cappa, current coach of Hurricane and an old English football reels off his philosophy. Article highlight this phrase to be fully applicable to the seduction and why I like so little certain methods of seduction.
"First, in the modern game, and also in Argentina, the first thing the player is robbed of the pleasure of playing. They take courage. So do not play. It plays a role that ends up being painful for try to win points. The player tries to make sure. And soccer entails a risk. You have to train to run that risk and take the risk of playing. The first thing that I used as policy is to encourage play. You have to enjoy the game, that allows the player to pay more. "Angel Cappa
The truth is that the phrase is quite clear and does not need much explanation.
The great truth of many methods of seduction is to eliminate the courage, which is an advantage because we know how much it can cost a woman to stop, but with the courage to take the fun. No doubt when these methods effective (although some should not work because if the author would not change method one book to another is not it?) but it's so boring you have to be very desperate to follow them.
I propose that instead of looking for structures and dynamics that override the courage to get used to danger, to leave to see the risk as your enemy but as the possibility of doing what you do, and fun way above. Courage is the main element of seduction, look no annulled. As Pep Guardiola says "The risk is not risky." What should scare you is precisely not to be afraid.
guess some will say that these structured methods are more boring but much more effective. I disagree. When Valdano and trained to Real Madrid Cappa opted for the method "in doubt courage" and called for an offensive style and the team 100% not only won the league, got goals in Europe but also mythical broke the mark of minutes without conceding a goal. Mark 14 years later still not overcome.
the end if you have fun, if you enjoy what you do and fight for your dreams are good. You do not need any structure, you just 15% of theory, 35% and 50% instinct of courage.
know how to play in football behind the ball means knowing how to play when you have possession of ball.
Is it important to know how to play without the ball? Well if you're up to some phenomena that will ensure every shot a goal maybe you can dedicate yourself to look at public aunts when your computer does not have the ball. Otherwise, if your team is just quality your chance to win go to know play without the ball and not miss the chances that you may have.
The same goes for seduction, if you are handsome, famous or a millionaire maybe you can neglect your game without the ball. If not the case your options depend on what you know to do without the ball at his feet.
What is seduction does not have the ball?
Seduction is a game consisting in causing emotions, you have the ball when you're the one that provoke emotions, do not have it when the woman who you are provoked. Learn to play after the ball is nothing to control the emotions that a woman provokes you.
The problem with many men is that women do not have an attractive personality but are not able to show it because they control their own feelings. It is as if Rafa Nadal playing tennis put a blindfold on, not that it is bad is that he is blind, as you remove the band will begin to win every point. Seduce begins with learning to play behind the ball, you control your feelings. Keep
position. 90% -ball is to maintain the position. Your opponents know it and dedicated the whole game to get you out of your post. Switched sides, stay away, they will come, you'll get nervous, do you trust, etc.
The position of a woman's seduction is very similar to that of a striker, either more or less consciously do everything possible to lose control. Keeping
position seduction is what is commonly called keeping the frame (frame). Ie: keep the belief that you are attractive and that you are the best that can happen to women in life.
This belief has been eroded to the extent you intimidated by women. Bullying is scary, in this case a woman intimidate you when you infuse the fear of rejection. You feel intimidated by women to the extent that you feel you can not seduce her.
This fear can be caused deliberately by the woman or can result from a comment she well intentioned, often what is its simple beauty intimidates no need to open his mouth.
This fear causes a reaction in you: do something to reveal to you as someone attractive.
That's the ruling. You just lost the position.
A defense lost the position when the opposition manages to put him fear and doubt in the body then begins to leave gaps, late for the ball, continually make mistakes ... in short, his behavior becomes inexplicable. Nobody deliberately act so, and that's the key: not acting is reacting. The forwards have managed to scare you, do not feel safe and no longer plays but simply reacts to plug holes that sees without being aware that this creates increasingly larger holes. In seduction
lose the position when you do not act but react. Something has happened that makes you doubt that you are able to seduce and you react to change the situation, to make it very clear that you are attractive.
From now your jokes stop being funny, your replicas will be meaningless, your gestures will shame, etc. What happened? Man, thou hast lost the position: you are not acting but reacting.
So the first thing you have to learn to play without the ball is how not to lose the position. We achieve this through this dynamic that we call "procedure to maintain the position." (I'm not much given to baptize techniques but as I continually refer to this procedure will be better if we put name)
How to maintain your position.
take an example, a man is talking to a woman and it says "do not go out with guys like you. "Given this statement these are the scenarios:
reactive behavior. The man is upset, angry and hurt reaction leading to leaving, insulting (I do not hang out with hookers) or dropping a bluff (so they say all up they see my sport).
proactive behavior. Do not go out with guys like you said it and he replied "it should". There has been no reaction, no fear of rejection. Do not decentralized its rejection.
contrareactivo behavior. This is an intermediate step that will have to go through and where I will stop so you do not dwell on it longer inevitable. The point is that a contrareacción is also a reaction. Ie: there are men who feel intimidated by women aware of this charge and that it is not good so look forward to something that idea that they are not scared.
This category includes all those who face a threat of rejection by the woman used a phrase or a technique taken from a seduction guru thinking that this phrase is magical and will decay resistance of women in the same way the doors opened the cave where Baba Ali said Abracadabra. Their problem is not what they say, the guru does not lie, that phrase to him works. Nor how indeed the aspiring seductive technique has been misused but that's more the effect than the cause. The problem is why: the subject was rather intimidated and afraid to attack and destroy it has tried to hide it. Not that women are very smart and have lots of experience discovering frauds (which many are), the problem is the bad actor you are.
Your enemy is afraid, not the woman to discover. Ring is no fear to hide, you have to stop being reactive and be contrareactivo is not the solution. How do I get
not be reactive?
may seem somewhat mystical but very real. Memory learning you do not need long routine, but you need to learn to control your emotions. Learn that when you feel intimidated that feeling of fear is your enemy. You fight it and destroy it, then you will experience a tremendous clarity and a better response will happen that will make you feel like the reincarnation of Casanova. Sounds mystical but it is the fucking truth.
The scheme is this:
1) appears intimidation. You approach an attractive woman, you say something and she answers "But uncle, who told you to come" Then you feel bad, very bad. It has been just what I feared now fear pushes you to run and not stop till you get home, the head off anger, anger to do something to show that you attractive and walk away leaving her grieving for his clumsiness, etc.
2) You identify bullying as your enemy. you realize that you are intimidated by the response of women. But rather than walk all the heads looking for something to leave you in good stead identify your feelings of fear, anger or rage as your real enemies and seek to suppress.
3) maintains control. eliminate bullying you enter a state of calm and relaxation which is easy to find you a good answer. Something like: - Who has been to come. - No, I have been freely and without coercion because I love your eyes and I want to know.
This is the essential idea the-ball. Then I will develop this idea by exposing the main obstacles appear in the game without the ball and how to maintain your position.
Confidence in the set.
In football a key position is to maintain confidence in your teammates. Let's say you are central, while the front is in the center of the field does not scare you because you have control. He knows it and is thrown into the band which creates a dangerous situation because you no longer control. That will test if you keep losing the position shows that you're afraid, if you hold the position it shows is that you trust your own mate side. Although the forward escape your control do not get scared because you know you're in the area of \u200b\u200binfluence of a solvent partner. A player outside your area of \u200b\u200bcontrol is a potential danger, but as you have confidence in your teammates know that this danger is not going to materialize.
The scheme is similar to the seduction, it is that your personality plays as a team. Suppose that during an interaction comes out a quality of yours that is not very attractive (for example: you have neglected and have a little belly). Before this course many men are to excuse his belly or find something else with which to compensate for the defect. Something like tummy tuck and hold your breath for seem to have good abs, or comment on "whether it should exercise more, but when you have a sports car in the garage never want to walk."
have lost the position very clearly, or you think that in speaking those people thought they were attractive and that being with them was the best thing that could happen to a woman.
In these cases you have to do is apply the procedure to maintain the position and realize that your problem is not the belly but the reaction to the comment of women has occurred in you. No need to search for something to compensate for this defect, but you have to attack this feeling of fear that the girl (Helped by your fat) will have occurred. And that feeling vanishes remembering something that you might be fat but you're still the best thing that can happen to a woman because you are nice, interesting, funny ...
In these cases, if you manage to maintain the position of the belly laughing discover that you have come, how bad you dance or what you're being bald. Women will be more focused in your security and your belly will be amazed how you kept the faith in a situation in which ordinary mortals gets to mourn.
Hold this position is everything in the game after the ball, but not always enough. There are teams that you keep seeing the position is left with no alternatives and lose the ball. But others see the big teams are able to retain the ball and play it while waiting for you to make a mistake.
Same with women. Some women do not lose the position discouraged, sometimes not even try it harder. The solution in such cases is to increase the pressure, not only the position but also keep pressure on the opponent so it can not easily move the ball.
pressure in the seduction is summarized in one word: never let a woman something that would not allow if they were ugly and do nothing that would not otherwise was beautiful.
The way women try to get low cost validation is either complaining or attacking us. Validation call to low cost validation that women want to achieve without risk, without showing their personality without being involved in the conversation.
That is something achieved by two means, first picking on men, blaming them for something they feel unattractive and try to do something to get approval from women.
face of these attacks the first thing is to maintain the position. Attacking the feeling that you're losing the girl. Cancelled this feeling usually feel a clarity that takes you to laugh at yourself it is the part we've been talking about confidence in the team. But sometimes what you feel is not fear of rejection but do not you like to laugh at yourself, what you feel is that the woman's behavior is unacceptable, which may be very good but the way it is behaving completely intolerable. The first comment was funny, the second was becoming tiresome, and the third was too much. Then you say something to make it clear that neither her beauty intimidates you or accept his behavior. (Focuses negs that way).
The other way in which women claim low cost care is complaining. Are the assumptions that are not the focus and start to behave as a small child that their parents do not pay attention, they complain, magnify all its evils, do not listen but to add something more serious, and so on.
In these cases, many men are to comfort the woman thinking it's your time to earn it. But what they are doing is giving away its framework. Would you do the same with an ugly woman? or think that besides heavy fine is a boring ugly. Well, in these cases you must apply the procedure to maintain the position and you will see as the woman is very beautiful but can not bear much egotism so choose to ignore, ignore their complaints and tears of crocodile.
In football a good counterattack is what separates the danger of an excellent opportunity to attack. This is what in Zen culture is defined as using force to topple your opponent by attacking spaces are left know how to exploit these spaces is very important in football and seduction.
The seduction is the counterattack can be translated as reframe reframed. Reframing is changing the framework, the way we perceive reality. The reality is not objectively but subjectively varies. The size of a building is always the same look huge next to the house of a dog and insignificant next to the Petronas Towers. In reframed
not only surpass their traps (hold position) but that erode their position, do you shake your foundations. And can not engage in play with your emotions because it completely controls his own.
reframed In seduction you do to keep the idea that you are attractive and that being with you is the best thing to happen to the girl while eroding its position causing her to question her atractivo.Te reaffirmed as someone attractive and would you put it in doubt whether she is attractive enough for you. The
can be reframed mainly in three ways. What I will explain through an example that apparently has no content that is seductive but in these cases the most important is to maintain the framework that are attractive. An example several reframed.
reframed by content.
- Are you upset? - A little. I was just finishing some work issues. - Then go Noob. You have to be stupid to stay home a day like today. - "You're proposing something? Mmm, I'd have to think What are you wearing?
reframed Thanks to his sentence and does not mean a rebuke but an invitation. I'm no longer the boring, but the guest, she goes to fear if you are trying too.
reframed by context.
- Are you upset? - A little. I was just finishing some work issues. - Then go Noob. You have to be stupid to stay home a day like today. - You laugh but you'll see when I see you. I recommend that you avoid me a season.
This time change the context for a guy to stop being bored and become a person you are interrupting.
zoom reframed by
- Do you bother? - A little. I was just finishing some work issues. - Then go Noob. You have to be stupid to stay home a day like today. - Well thank you very much, is just what I needed to hear now.
Now I will actually see their behavior from another point of view, making you feel selfish. I am not a boring, is it that is a thoughtless. Sleep
the game.
Sometimes when a team is winning and not interested in a long tiring towards the next party that the party does is sleep in order to let time pass without creating and I think sometimes without warning. When a team does it its meaning is clear: if they were the party would end right now, I better the result.
Since winning team employ this technique only when you're winning, if you lock yourself in the area not to be thrashed then you're a loser. It is very important to remember this difference because there are men who delivered the lead woman for fear of being rejected, because they dare to show interest. Beware the difference because it is basic.
Women think it long before a sexual level. But sometimes they are passed. In these cases the strategy is to sleep and let the game pass the time. It is the only way to keep part of me attractive and being with you is the best thing to happen to the girl. If the girl certainly more reasonable than you take a step back, stop trying and say "I have options with so many women that I will not try again you. You on the other hand are losing the opportunity of a lifetime" When a team
sleeps the game is because you need do nothing more to win, against his rival is having to move tab to get a result postive.
How to know when to sleep the game? Under the scheme to maintain the position if the feeling you experience free of external constraints is that of boredom, then stop trying to progress and play it. And remember never sleep for fear the party to show interest.
Playing without the ball with the ball at his feet.
This concept is much easier than it looks.
in football that a team has possession of the ball does not mean you have carte blanche to attack out of control. This is not a schoolyard game where everyone can get forward with impunity. In modern football position is saved even when attacking. It is what is called play without the ball with the ball at his feet.
The essence is the same: keeping the position for both offensive and defensive reasons. Offensive because if the team runs onto the ball will form a guerrilla band of people you will be very easy to lose possession of the ball by keeping your position against you force your opponent to spread throughout the country encouraging them to appear hollow. Defensively because you do not have to cover against possible counterattack the opponent.
ego In seduction you can play the two ways. First into thinking you're not feeling attractive and you need to do something to be perceived as a interesting. Second, when you have occasion to show yours look attractive. The first I have spoken, I will focus on the latter.
Suppose you're a very attractive woman and she says the thing he likes in this world are the men who jump with a parachute. And it happens that you are national champion skydiving. Do you feel the temptation? You feel compelled to talk about your accomplishments and achievements in the field of parachute jumping. Yet women simply smile and little else. What happened? Well, you've lost the context of being the prize. We have given gladly be part of the award because I thought it attractive enough to pay the price. What we have done is say you're the prize but I do not care because I'm your height. This strategy does not work.
What is the correct behavior? The first to hold the position, ie resist the urge to impress the woman. This is the fault and the reason you lose the frame. Do you like the paratroopers? So what? it was clear that the appeal was you, what was needed to know was whether she was well.
Do not be misled by the temptation of instant gratification and do not brag. Cancels that feeling and, as I said before, feel a sense of clarity and answers as good as you say "Go," in Seriously I like skydiving? I have practiced what little you have you ever tried? "This is a good response because it is not the answer to anyone looking to impress but to an interested person, someone who has been a motive in the woman who wants to know her better.
The discovery that a woman likes a feature yours should not use it to produce attraction to impress, but to produce a connection, to find a common ground between the two. A basic rule of seduction.