Sunday, April 19, 2009

Where Do They Sell Geodes

Day game: why this guy talking to me?. Vacuum

Before awaited article on Push & Pull respond to a comment I made last time we talk about Game Day.

Fan Club for John Boy's Love of Lesbian.

I saw that when game day comes that you fear many women think who are flirting with her. Actually the problem is that women do not discover you are linking but the woman wondering why you're talking to her. A woman, a stranger approaching you in a nightclub is not going to miss but the day itself, albeit a gorgeous woman with whom everyone wants to flirt. It's so strange for you to link the day she therefore need to explain why you've gotten to talk to a stranger in broad daylight. If women do not feel uncomfortable by the mere fact that you speak, do not listen to your words because their brains only think of one thing: how to make you go away.

Part 1: open without her ask why you're there.

If women do not ask why you're talking to her is a great technique. This is a foolproof routine that destroy any chance that the woman questioned what are you doing there talking to her. This technique is explained.

may seem obvious, but I assure you it's no nonsense, if you want a woman to know why you're talking to her tell it, he explains in a clear, understandable and credible, why are you going to it.

You say do not do that around the world? the truth is that no, the vast majority of people are as yet open to something interesting original will be rejected to ensure not forget what's important to explain why you talk to her. Without this prerequisite no matter what you say, the girl is not going to listen. Example


The other day I was on the bus listening Love of Lesbian (that's why I called them) and I saw beside me a girl reading a book by Haruki Murakami. How would you have started a conversation?

do you think an "apology, I will not interrupt your reading but I saw you reading a book by Haruki Murakami. I read a couple own and I'm fascinated but this in particular does not know is it good?"

smooth entry is: spend most of the time to explain why am I talking to her to say something concrete. If I had started with a "good book?" or "go for you too like Murakami" she would have looked with a face of who you are, why you talking about and where are the police when needed?

The key is to explain. If you're opening indirectly does not waste time searching for an opener that will present as a smart guy, interesting or funny. Worry instead that women understand the reason you start talking to her. By day you can tell anything to a woman if you start with a kind of preamble (this is the word used Juggler) explaining why 're there.

Part 2: to speak without her wonder why you go on.

Well suppose you have opened and everything has gone well, you've talked with her and it's time that the starter is running. What to do? There is something essential: to be able to continue the conversation without her wonder why this guy is talking to me?

Think, thou hast come asking for Murakami, shop shirts or the highest mountain in Italy (the volcano Etna), have talked about it and suddenly you start to talk about something else (for example: customs of the Hindus), she'll wonder why you talk with it. Thou hast come asking for Murakami but there is no reason to keep talking to her once exhausted the subject Murakami.

You must do something to justify you keep talking to her, something she completes the space of the phrase "you're talking about because ___"

And that something is to notice something spontaneously and show you more interested in it that original theme. Ideally, it is even in the middle of a sentence "Tokyo Blues (a book of Murakami) is one of my favorite books but After Dark (pause) Hey, I love your earrings, I'm looking around and for birthday "My sister bought them here?" Start a new

topic of conversation is used at first but as soon as you have to show interest in the girl, I do not mean sexual interest (aparentarías a little desperate, do not you?) but interest. Find something that justifies the girl you like and that's why you keep talking to her. But if you want this to work you must be very explicit to show interest. Do not expect her to realize or deduct it but say it clearly.

I do not so much a matter of talk but of emotions, it comes to showing his enthusiasm for some quality. Something like: "It is a pleasure to discuss literature with you. You can tell that you really like Murakami and you do not read just because it is fashion. I have the intuition that the book I'm reading you like, it's called ... "

Find this attachment point which distinguishes the interaction is not easy, not that it is available to a few but is not something that is learned overnight. Like so much the ability to be able to extract from the clothes, attitudes and words of women to discuss material requires exercised and developed. So work hard and give this aspect, alone but day and night.

is a skill you need to develop but not become obsessed with the subject. You have to be like a striker who wants the ball at his feet but not becomes obsessed with the ball and chases down the field but remains in place waiting for a teammate to pass it. Also you must not become obsessed with finding a point with which engage the conversation, relax and wait for the single will be displayed, because believe me, know how to wait is part of the game.


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