Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cervical Mucus, Implantation

Push and Pull.

Push and Pull, push and pull. Who said that pulling and pushing could not increase the attraction?

Little Bribes, the new Death Cab for cutie.Qué good live sound.

Swinggcat is not an author who enjoys great prestige among the natural seducers. For he says his method is too enconsertado and is artificial. These criticisms have a lot to some but, unlike many other writers of the early days of the so-called seduction community, you may relax their techniques and if you know how to adapt to the natural style Swinggcat can be of immense utility.

This article follows this concept: I do not just explain what the Push and Pull but also spoke of how focused I use this technique. I suppose one should be I would have preferred more adhered to the original but I hope you understand that that would have been betraying the way I see the allure.

What? The Push and Pull
is combined in the same sentence approval and rejection.
I propose to explain this example. Imagine teacher calls you to say I've suspended the subject but because it is a tight thriller offers you a little test for that, if approved, you avoid having the exam in September. The push and pull is the same: a reversible suspended and not definitive.

This is the essence of push and pull: compliance, the ability to reverse the situation. The push and pull it away because the girl is also suspended but closer because you leave the door open to approve. Examples

Swinggcat itself (to read the original press here )
1) "You look very nice ... but when frowns look 20 years older ... botox dear."
2) - "You have a beautiful smile. You should smile more. When you smile you look happy and cheerful rather than as serious and pervasive"
- Do I look serious and pervasive?
- repeating: "You have a beautiful smile. You should smile more"
3) "You have a nice body. It looks like a statue. But when you cross your arms look like a woman, overweight and a bad case of scoliosis. "

The how is 90% of push and pull, the examples above are garbage with bad intonation and phrases much bestial work well said. The tone is appropriate to forward a fun, slightly mocking but not to the bad feeling. It tries to convey the idea of \u200b\u200b"I see you like to go hard, they care because I like fooling around" is something that comes with practice and what little can be said.

More interesting is another issue on how it is to leave open a way out. The push and pull breaks the script of a woman. Attractive women are not used to being questioned. That makes them stay puzzled and puzzling over what you wanted to say. Therefore you can not expect her to take the lead in the conversation but you have to assume that burden. It is a very common problem: you steal the ball instead and then not know what to do with feet.

The push and pull is to wipe the slate clean, or the new account you make your turn, do not stay out of the game more and not expect her to start a conversation.

When? Simplifying
we can say that you can watch a woman as an equal, from bottom to top and top to bottom. If you look at peer to peer use push and pull on it will produce the famous phrase "why is behaving so strangely, it is ruining everything." Bottom-up work, but complexes with both the woman who had wondering what to do with a woman. Only when you forward a woman who looks you up and down is when the push and pull is useful.

Speaking of push and pull of which is always used with very attractive women, men accustomed to constantly want to flirt with them and, therefore, assume that you also want to link with them. Now, if something is learned from direct is that a woman thinks that you want to score with it is not in itself a bad thing. Actually the problem is not that women assume that you want to score with her but to think A) you want to flirt and B) you do not give the level to warrant interest. That is the real problem and the starting point for using the push and pull, that women assume that no measure up to ligártela. If no negative presumption that you should not use the push and pull.

Using push and pull and, in general, techniques involving disqualify a woman, is much less fun than a beginner usually thought. These techniques are used in extreme conditions, compared to women of very high value (physical and psychological) that require you best. Interactions are very complicated because you have before us a very difficult woman to seduce you and you tend to be under pressure: a woman of about 10 front sight can be very intimidating.

In a way, it playing a final. Do not play it if you get angry and feel a great joy to beat it but as long as you pass play bad in the sense that you have to be very concentrated, the opposite will not let you deploy your game to flow, is pressure, etc.

The key to know what interactions using the push and pull is to be very clear that you do not choose to use it, simply do not have to. The push and pull interaction is used in very demanding on a woman in front of you so used to want to seduce. Actually you do not choose to use it, simply do not have any choice so that the interaction can proceed. What is more, if you could choose not to do so in the sense that everyone prefers an easy match and undemanding that one worked and suffered.

Just do not get you down, much as these interactions will suffer much worse do not reach them. It's not just in the joy of winning a final, is also that no matter how hard you can become an end it will always be hard not to come.

Who? Normally
articles on techniques involving the disqualification of a woman are preceded by a warning ethics not to use this material in bad faith, seeking to exploit the insecurities of a woman to manipulate. I guess you are good guys and they will not need to repeat this speech. Another

warning is not always done: be careful to not use them to your detriment. These techniques are like a gun, the danger is not just that you wear a shooting spree but you hit a shot in the foot.
The push and pull and generally any other technique that is based on disqualifying women is a reaction to the tests that we women do but not how to overcome these tests but a refusal to be examined by them. Not having a role with the survey responses is to break the test in the face of the teacher. It is essential that we not forget this nuance: it is not that the woman will not approve it comes to examine you.

Consequently, the push and pull parts of an opinion negative women but not looking to transform it into a positive but simply for women to leave an opinion. With the Push and Pull do not pretend to be perceived as an attractive man, but destroy a situation that is impossible bind. While she thinks that you are not attractive no human form of flirting. With the push and pull provoke an embarrassment for women from which you can start another seduction.

The secret that explains how the Push and Pull Swinggcat explains with this example: a glass of water tastes much better after a long walk. The problem is that many men make women travel the long road and then not offered a glass of water. Ie: the push and pull is useless if you give your approval to the woman when it wins.

As we have seen the Push and Pull a woman does not see you as attractive, but also let you see as non-attractive putting you in a no man's land, an intermediate space in which you as the case may look like an idiot or a weird dude. Something must be done to move to the level of attractiveness.

The Push and Pull is a disqualification that women seek to neutralize, not because you look like attractive humans but simply because we liked. Swinggcat explained with a phrase that says Lindsey Lohan in a movie (what can I do, it will be good seductive but amateur the cinema does not seem good) "that a person will fall ill does not mean do not look for approval." Something happens, he likes particularly well but will seek your approval. On the other hand if you've done well the Push and Pull've left the door open to get it. Learn
give approval is essential to complete the Push and Pull.

I like to choose a quality of a woman who him individually and show interest in basing it on that occasion. So far nothing new, something different is also explicit change in my opinion. "Wow I had misjudged. I thought you were pretty typical and stupid girl who believes that Pica stone are based on facts real, but I realize that you are a very interesting woman with whom I'm having fun. Tell me something about yourself what is the story of your life? "Thus culminates
push and pull, giving women the water that has worked and how well you will know.


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